Thursday, September 3, 2009

Mom, I died.


I hear this frequently at my house with 3 kids running amok. This was my little Vern looking for me. He finally finds me and is bursting with news. I ask him what is going on and he proceeds to tell me he just died!

I ask how that happened and he said he was trying to do hand stands and summersaults in the living room when BLAM he hit the bookshelf by the fire place. Here is as close as I remember him telling me.
Vern: “Mom I was doing summersaults and handstands and fell. Can you believe I died for a minute? I mean all the air went out of me! But I did come back to life. I am pretty tough hu?”
Me: “Yes, I am glad you came back to life.” (As I am wondering what is broken and how many more grey hairs I will get out of this…)

I administered a giant hug and off he trotted glad to have died and came back to life. :-)