Sunday, December 29, 2013

Christmas 2013

Vern had another successful Christmas. I am using his new "gaming" mouse to write this blog.  He had to have this certain one and he loves it. He all ready said it helped him win a rare something in Mine Craft.  I am glad he is happy.

We opened presents on Christmas Eve this year since they were at their dad's for Christmas Day. We took an official secret vote and it was 3-2 in favor of December 24.  We picked the kids up in the morning and they were ready to tear into their gifts... Awe too bad they had to wait until AFTER dinner. AH the travesty of it all.

You see John was working until the afternoon and then shortly after he arrived home we headed out a full hour early for church. Yes the church fills up that much on Christmas Eve for services. We got the seats John and Ann wanted and the service was nice. It is the kind of service that just makes you smile.  The jist - if you have Thanksgiving in your heart you have Joy. So no matter how low you feel there is some Joy in there. I cried during the lighting of the candles and singing Silent Night. Lighting candles in a church setting always gets to me since December 10, 2010...

After we got home we had a quick dinner of soup that had been simmering in the crock-pot and the presents were soon opened after. It was a very fun day and it made me FULL OF JOY.

The kids headed back to their dad's around 11 and we went to bed happy and satisfied with the day.

What a teen!

His very pretty sister!!! Loved this photo.

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Shot to death - again and again!

Vern was in a mood today. He got into trouble and was in his room for a while.  I decided I should go in and check on him.

I knocked on the door.

I opened the door assuming Vern would be curled up on his bed.


I was hit with two quick shots from the Nerf Shot-Gun.

I fall to the floor from the direct hit.

Vern pulls out the tommy Nerf gun.


I am completely dead now but can't help giggling.

I roll over and the third gun unleashes.


I am dead 3 times over but it put Vern in a better mood so all is well and his anger is gone!

Thursday, December 12, 2013


Well our little Vern has reached that time in junior high when many kids get braces. Vern is one such lucky kid. Here are some photos from that morning.  First we have the before picture. Look at how happy and unknowing he is...

Before braces.

I call this next photo - Clown face. He looks like one of those clowns in a horror movie. He was getting braces applied.

Next we have more installation. They have this down to a science on how quickly they apply those little buggers.

Finally we have AFTER!!!!!  The pain still had not hit yet. That was later that day and for the next 4 days. Vern was sure he could never eat regular food again.

He is used to them now and doing well. Let's just hope he keeps up his brushing and flossing so he doesn't get ugly stains or worse...lose a tooth.

Sunday, November 24, 2013

More Vernisms

We really have Vern-isms every single week. I just don't capture them like I should. Here are some from the recent past I hope you enjoy.

"You know how you are what what you eat? Well I don't remember eating sexy beast for breakfast."

The boys at school all run up to each other and swipe up under their breasts and say scoop!  Well Vern comes up to me and instead of scoop he yells SHOVEL/BULLDOZER and rolls on the bed laughing. (Referring to my large bosom.)

Vern was treated to a shopping trip recently. Here is a photo from that trip.

Vern recently told me a dirty joke. I know I shouldn't laugh but I couldn't help it.  "Son, you better stop masturbating as it will make you go blind.  Dad, I'm over here."

 He is great!!!!

I hope all you readers have a very Happy Thanksgiving!


Thursday, November 14, 2013

2013 Football - Game 6- Friendship Bowl

Friendship Bowl - 2013

It was a nice day for the Friendship Bowl - thank goodness. Another nice thing was that it was on the home field so the travel time was greatly reduced. I have a bit more good news but you will have to keep reading for that.

This first shot is an action one where the ball carrier is in the right side of the photo with Vern in the middle.

This next shot we actually have Vern in on a tackle and fumble recovery.

This next shot Vern is actually being double teamed on blocking.

And now for the news I promised you....

Looks like the photographer got a bit side tracked during the game and decided to take some nature shots. They really are pretty so I included one of some clover and a small butterfly.

Here is man on task Vern. First set on the line and ready to play. He has a big heart and it shows on the football field by how hard he plays.

Unfortunately, we lost but at least we did score points this game so they ended on the best note they could for the year without a win. 0-7 for the 2013 season.

Thursday, November 7, 2013

2013 Football - Game 5

Guess what...ANOTHER LOSS... 0-30 for game 5.

I have to say they really did look more like a team. They played really well together this game. It was like they were finally finding their game even if the score did not show that.

Can I say cold wind? Yes, the weather finally changed here in the Midwest. The wind was C-O-L-D. Luckily I am a good boy scout mom and had plenty of blankets packed.

You can see the beautiful blue skies before the game started. This quickly changed as those clouds bunched together and without the sun the temperature just got colder as the wind did not let up.

I just LOVE this shot of Vern high stepping it for warm-ups. He is awesome. OK, I am a biased mom - live with it.

Vern is tough. Here it is freezing outside and he has short sleeves on. Yes I know they were running around and keeping warm but it made me cold just watching.

Another shot where I liked the expression on his face so decided to include it. Superman's camera takes awesome photos.

The guy's head is distracting in this photo but I thought it was a great shot of Vern making a block.

Here is a shot right at the time of the snap of the ball. Those shots are difficult to get so had to get Vern being first up and going off the line.

Here is the dismal score but it does show how much the wind was blowing with the flag also in the shot.

Only one more game for the 2013 season -  The Friendship Bowl.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

2013 Football - Game 4

Let me just say this: Vern's Team is terrible this year...

How they can go from being #2 in the entire league to the bottom of the barrel I have no idea??  I guess they just don't seem to be executing the plays correctly.  Vern looks good on the line. He is double teamed a lot and making the plays except if the guy is double his size. Then he has a harder time keeping the guy in place.

I was not able to attend Vern's game again!!!! HORRORS I SAY. It just isn't right but I had a 6am flight out of town that morning for work.  That is posted over on the Ocean's blog.

The team lost so horribly they quit keeping score fairly early in the game.

Not many photos but did have good representation with both Superman and John there rooting him on.

For the photos this time I inserted some things I thought Vern might say about each one. Enjoy.

"OK guys what's the next play."

"You are not getting past me Mr. One Yellow/One Black sock."

"Run with that ball, I have this block."

"We suck!"

Sunday, September 29, 2013

2013 Football - Game 3

Here we are back with week 3 of the football recap.  This week was horrendously H-O-T. I and some others as you will see in the photos below actually were using umbrellas to keep the heat deflected somewhat. I really felt bad for those boys on the field in their black uniforms.  Now onto the game.

WOW, Vern played a lot this game.  He really seemed back into the swing of things...Until he got hurt that is but I will get to that in a moment.

Vern looks like the shortest kid in this photo. Looks like he is giving the thumbs up to someone.

Another shot of Vern pushing and shoving on the offensive line.

Good ole #80 doing a fabulous job!!! I don't know why he didn't have on his black or purple socks. He looks so much better with them on.

Here is a great shot of Vern pushing forward on the snap of the ball.  Looks like he is playing defense on this play.

Vern is taking on a couple players on this shot. Man football is rough even at this age.

Poor Vern is triple teamed on this shot!!!

Vern is smack dab in the middle of all the action here. Love the photos!!!!

Here we have Vern not feeling so well. This was taken right after he came off the field after hurting his arm.

Awe shucks they lost again. I sure wish they would score at least one touchdown...

I have to say I am starting to sound like a broken record...There is always next week right???

Vern is really in pain in this shot. I feel so bad as a mom.

And finally a shot of the x-ray from the emergency room. All is OK. Thank goodness. Doc also said that Vern has a lot of growing to do with all the bone plates still open. He was happy about that!

Finally, we have an appropriate quote from a ref I know, "Football is not a contact sport - it is a collision sport."

Thursday, September 19, 2013

2013 Football - Game 2

Well.... I must make a confession here. DA FOOTBALL MOM missed one of Vern's games. Yes, strike me dead. The fanatical football mom that loves the game and her son more than anything missed his second game. What on earth could be more important than her son and his game...

I will get to that in a moment but first Vern's game commentary from Vern himself.

Me - "How did the game go?"

V - "We lost."

Me- "Well what was the score? How did you do? Tell me all about it!"

V - "I played some. Maybe a little more than last week. 0-55"

Me - "Glad you got to play but Ouch on the score."

V - "ya." and walks off.

So I guess if I had to miss a game I am glad it was a blowout one like that. It takes Vern's team to  0 and 2 for the year. But there is always next week right???

Now for the reason I was gone. I completed a bucket list item and went to a Green Bay Packer game in Lambeau Field. Yes, I have been to Packer games before but this was the first at the Iconic Stadium. Let me just say it was everything I hoped it would be and more. The weather was P-E-R-F-E-C-T, the fans amusing, the game fun (even if they did lose), and the hotel clean.

This first photo is of me on the Bay. The park consisted of this dock. Craziest thing I ever saw. They even had signs on the beach - PRIVATE KEEP OFF but the dock was public.

I believe this is a picture of the Bay side. As you can see the weather was beautiful as was the landscape. We drove up to Door County and wish we would have had more time to spend there riding bicycles and enjoying the land.

Here is hubby/aka Superman. We are eating lunch with Lambeau field in the background. You can see the crane flying the Packer flag. That is how close we stayed to the stadium.

I was waiting for hubby to get out of the gift shop when I took this shot. Loved it!

And her we have the "Fanatical football fan"/mom/me!

A blurry shot of the guys warming up before the game.

A shot of hubby and me after the game. Hubby has a GREAT smile here. <3 p="">

It was a great time and Vern didn't even care I wasn't there!

Thursday, September 12, 2013

2013 Football Season - Game 1

I am going to try and catch up on some posting. Yes, Vern is playing football I just haven't posted the results. Here we go with game #1.

It was a hot start to the season. The boys were pumped and ready to play. Vern is on the left in this first photo.  This year Vern is number 80. I will update the blog photo when I get a good photo of him in his jersey.

We went into this game knowing Vern would not start or play much as he missed one week of practice being at farm camp.

Vern got to play on kick offs and a few other plays. Since this was the first game of the season the coaches were still moving kids around a lot. Vern got in his minimum 8 plays for this game and it was all we could expect. He did well.

I think he looks good with those purple socks on!  #80 pushing and shoving.

I just thought this shot was kind of cool. I love looking at the photos and seeing the expressions on the boys faces.

One more face shot. He is always ready to play when some of the other boys...not so much.

And the final disappointing score. We lost and didn't even score a touchdown.  There is always next game right???