Thursday, September 19, 2013

2013 Football - Game 2

Well.... I must make a confession here. DA FOOTBALL MOM missed one of Vern's games. Yes, strike me dead. The fanatical football mom that loves the game and her son more than anything missed his second game. What on earth could be more important than her son and his game...

I will get to that in a moment but first Vern's game commentary from Vern himself.

Me - "How did the game go?"

V - "We lost."

Me- "Well what was the score? How did you do? Tell me all about it!"

V - "I played some. Maybe a little more than last week. 0-55"

Me - "Glad you got to play but Ouch on the score."

V - "ya." and walks off.

So I guess if I had to miss a game I am glad it was a blowout one like that. It takes Vern's team to  0 and 2 for the year. But there is always next week right???

Now for the reason I was gone. I completed a bucket list item and went to a Green Bay Packer game in Lambeau Field. Yes, I have been to Packer games before but this was the first at the Iconic Stadium. Let me just say it was everything I hoped it would be and more. The weather was P-E-R-F-E-C-T, the fans amusing, the game fun (even if they did lose), and the hotel clean.

This first photo is of me on the Bay. The park consisted of this dock. Craziest thing I ever saw. They even had signs on the beach - PRIVATE KEEP OFF but the dock was public.

I believe this is a picture of the Bay side. As you can see the weather was beautiful as was the landscape. We drove up to Door County and wish we would have had more time to spend there riding bicycles and enjoying the land.

Here is hubby/aka Superman. We are eating lunch with Lambeau field in the background. You can see the crane flying the Packer flag. That is how close we stayed to the stadium.

I was waiting for hubby to get out of the gift shop when I took this shot. Loved it!

And her we have the "Fanatical football fan"/mom/me!

A blurry shot of the guys warming up before the game.

A shot of hubby and me after the game. Hubby has a GREAT smile here. <3 p="">

It was a great time and Vern didn't even care I wasn't there!

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