Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Game 4 - 2012

****I am SORRY I am late on getting these posted.****

Wow, we are half way done with the season now. Time sure is flying by. I still am enjoying the games as much as day one. Now dragging him to practice all the time, not liking so much. Dealing with the "clickish" parents, not even a little bit.  The better than me parent attitude makes me long for the days of his old team where parents would at least talk to you.  Anyway, onto the game.

For this game the Vern's team "BIG" player was away on vacation. I think the boys were a little scared/anxious that they may not do so well with their perceived star player away.  I had a lot of confidence in them and they proved me right! I was so proud of team for stepping it up and showing each other what they could do. THEY WON!!!!!

This right here is one of my F-A-V-O-R-I-T-E photos. It shows Vern going in for a fabulous tackle. He was pretty proud of it too.

This is one of those rare face shots on a kick off after a touchdown. I think he is looking to coach for some last second instructions.
This next photo is fun because Vern is there but he is hard to find. Instead of Where's Waldo, it is Where's Vern?  Ok that big pile of purple in the middle of the photo? Well Vern is in the middle of all that. You can see his helmet and one red shoe. Another description, he is in front of #62 and #56. I call this the sandwich play and he is the cheese!!!  

I have a small story on this next photo. See the guy Vern is trying to block? He is HUGE! Vern told me that he pushed this guy down and the guy left him alone the rest of the game. Vern is fearless ont he football field and takes on these big guys. I love it!

Just another good shot of Vern and his blocking and making holes for the running back.

Look for the red shoes. You will find him in this mass of boys!
We had a lot of good Vern shots this game, that is why I am including so many. This next photo is Vern pushing so the runner behind him can get through. I love how he takes on those big striper dudes. (Stripers are boys with stripes on their helmets. They are over the weight limits and are only allowed as linemen.)

Just another shot of Vern blocking the big striper boy.
Here is the shot I promised last blog, how all the boys are tightly grouped on the line so it is hard to tell one from the other. Again, look for Vern's red shoes and you will see him in the lineup. 

One last shot of Vern pushing on #47. I think the kid actually got by him but good face shot of Vern.

I was very proud of Vern in this game. He played excellent and did what he was supposed to do. Now to just get him noticed by the coaches...

The final score: 33-6. The opposing team finally had a score!  Vern's team now moves to 4-0 with another tough division game next week...or will it be???

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Game 3 - 2012

We once again had an early Sunday drive. It was at least an hour drive plus we had to be there an hour early for warm-ups. Yawnnnnn.

On a positive note we had beaUtiful weather - again! I just love fall with cool nights and warm days.  Anyway onto the game...

One of the kids was still out with an injury so Vern was able to play guard on offense for quite a bit of the game.  Here in this first shot they are all huddled up ready to get the play. They are SO darn cute. Now I know the boys don't want to be cute but they aren't reading this so I think I am safe in calling them cute. Vern is on far left with hands on hip.

This next shot is a kickoff. It is one of the only times we can get a good shot of #27 as when he is on the line there are no good shots to get. They are all bunched up so tight it is like a litter of puppies all squished up together. I will try to remember and include a shot of them next time.

This is an end of play shot. Vern is looking down at the guys on the ground and adjusting himself. Shaking head...at least his shirt was tucked in.
I have to say the bleachers for the visitors were a bit scary. They creaked and groaned as you climbed upon them. You can kind of see how weathered they are in this next shot. I was taking a picture of the dragonfly. Isn't he cute for a bug?

I like this next shot. It is so full of action. Vern is right in the middle but love all the action going on around him.  They really are starting to "get it" at the age they are now. So much fun to watch the kids learning.
Supervising must have been Vern's job this game. Here is another shot of him looking down at the pile of kids on the ground.
Here is the final scoreboard shot. Can you believe no one has even scored on them yet!?!

It is another victory or spelled out in cheerleader speak V-I-C-T-O-R-Y! 3 and 0 here we go!!!

From the excited football mom!


Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Morning Star Wars Humor

First a little scene setting...
There is a piece of something laying on the floor. I am staring at it from the couch. Superman is standing above it and Vern is sitting beside me.

I say(M): "What is that on the floor?"

Superman (S): "Looks like a piece of Vern's backpack that he had out here earlier."

(M): "Would you please pick it up?"

(S): "That is a long way down. I may blow a gasket trying to pick it up."

Now all 3 of us are staring at this bit of whatever on the floor.

Vern: "Use the force!" As he holds out his arm and wills the piece of whatever to levitate off the floor and into Superman's hand.

Vern made my day and gave me a laugh. He is my hero!

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Game 2 - 2012

Week 2 involved a bit of a drive. It was about 40 minutes from home. The weather was once again very nice. The sun was very bright and hot when it was out. Occasionally a cloud would obscure the sun and we would get a brief rest from the intensity.

I was very surprised that Vern had more playing time. It made for a fun fun game to watch.


In addition to his corner position Vern played on the offensive line. He seemed much more confident this week. He made some good tackles and blocked well.

Vern also was on the kickoff squad. I had never seen Vern do this before but he stepped up and did well.

I have to say, I was one proud mama.

Here are some photos. This first one is Vern on the kickoff team. Notice some things never change as his shirt is untucked...

It is hard to see #27 but he is to the right of the kid tossing the ball in photo below. He is blocking.
Here is Vern on the kickoff team again. He loves to play and it is the only time in his life he is on time and ready for the next play!!! 
Vern did a great job. Here he is after the post team meeting. He didn't want his picture taken but you can see how "stinky and sweaty" he gets. Amazing how young boys can get so ripe...

This final shot, we see the game board with  a win 19-0.  Season the team moved to 2 wins 0 losses.

 We have no games during Labor Day so next game is scheduled for September 9.

***Post note*** Vern's increased playing time was because one of his teammates had a concussion according to Vern.