Monday, February 20, 2012

Pinewood Derby 2012

It's that time of year again for all people involved in Scouting. Pinewood Derby!!!! This is where the boys (mostly dads) build a model car out of a block of wood. It has to meet specific requirements on size and weight in order to race. It is a fun competition for the boys.  In addition to the scouts cars racing, there is an open class where brothers, sisters, moms and dads can enter cars. It is fun to see the cars that are made. Some folks are VERY creative in the open class.  There are awards for fastest car and most original car in both the boys and open classes.  Here are some photos from the big day.

Here are the judges getting ready for the start of the races.
Here is one of the boys getting the cars ready to race down the track. Vern's is farthest on the left - the black one.  Vern's car ended up placing in middle of the cars. Not the fastest but by far not the slowest.
Here is Vern's dads car in the open class. As you can see it only made it down the hill before stopping. It was supposed to be a "smart" car. HA HA HA  If the weights would have been placed on the top of the car instead of the bottom it would have done much better. Great car. Poor execution. Folks had a good chuckle with this car.
Here we have Vern with his participation trophy and car. Isn't he handsome with his Scout shirt?
Here is Ann and her car from the open class. It was one Vern had a couple years ago. If she would have graphited the wheels she could have won. I think it had been sitting in the box to long.

Fun times for a wintry Saturday afternoon.

Monday, February 13, 2012


Grandma and Grandpa B. came down to celebrate Ann's birthday.  While we are sitting there chatting, I am filling out paperwork for this and that.  One of the forms I am completing is the voter registration for myself (name change) and John (first time voting).

I am addressing the envelope and Grandma (my mom) asks me what I am registered as - Democrat or Republican. I promptly answer independent. I vote the issues not with a political party. I barely get that out of my mouth when Vern chimes in, I'M REPUBLICAN! Proud as can be.

My mom proceeds to make some gurggly noises and says OH MY GOD why would you EVER be Republican?

Deadpan Vern replies - Obama.

I look intently at the envelope as my mom tries to recover by saying "Well one man didn't do all that."

Sorry mom, Vern got you on that one.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Hanging by a thread

The other day I received a surprise phone call after school from Vern. I knew it must have been important as first he called the cell phone and since I didn't pick that up he called the work phone.

Here is how the conversation went:

V - "Mom I took Mia out to go potty. She went poop but it's still hanging there with a string in her butt hole!  What do I DOOOOO?"

M - "Calm down. Is she still outside?"

V - "Yes."

M - "OK, Get a paper towel and go pull it out."


M - "Yes. With the cats. I will stay on phone with you if you want."

V - "Yes mom."

Various noises I can't quite detect.

V - "OK Mom, I have the paper towels."

I'm picturing 1/2 a roll.

I hear the door open.

V - "Oh mannnnnnn......
       This is  SO GROSS"

More boy sounds of being grossed out.


V - "OK Mom, I got it.  Talk to you later."