Monday, January 28, 2013


Vern is a new man. He has now joined the ranks of millions of people around the world.

He wears glasses.

Now his prescription is barely a prescription but he had been complaining about not being able to see the board so both the optometrist and I broke down and he now has glasses.

I keep wondering in the back of my head if this was a ploy on Vern's part because his best friend has glasses. Time well tell.

Until then, here is Vern in his new specs.


Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Bathroom Rules

This blog comes on the heels of my Toilet Cleaning blog, where I talk about how no one person is any more or less important than another and how cleaning toilets is a very humbling experience.

As a result of my humbling experience, we had Bathroom 101 in our household this evening. Now this is a definite 101 class and it needs to be repeated every so often as users of said bathroom seem to forget there are A-N-Y rules at all.

The basics of this class include:

How to throw trash into the trash receptacle instead of wherever it happens to land on the floor, counters or towels.

How to put the toilet lid up, pee, wipe up various splatters or other messes, flushing, and putting lid back down. Now you might think I am a finicky lady that doesn't want to fall in when using the toilet. This is a very good reason but not the reason I used. I have a pet that is not allowed to drink regular tap water or their kidneys will act up and they will D-I-E. This is why it is very important to put the seat down after use. This has been explained before but this section of class needs repeated often.

Next the class moves on to showering basics. This includes things such as the shower walls are not to be used as a collection point of Ann hair. This same concept holds true for the drain. Soap is included in the showering process and not an optional feature to be used occasionally.

Finally we move onto the final - how not to turn the bathroom sink into a nuclear war zone in under 1 day. Toothpaste is meant to clean teeth, not left in the sink for things to drop into it. Once again not a hair collection zone. We like to look at Ann's hair on her head - not drizzled over the sink. Finally, every toiletry you own does not have to sit on top of the sink for the entire world to look at. We believe you have sufficient product that does not need to be kept out for all to see. It is not that amazing, we all have those supplies.

Of course this class was met with groans and I know mommmmmmmmmmmm.  We shall see if it does any good.

Up next week, Bathrooms 202, how to clean a bathroom the MOM way!!!

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Frosty the Snowman

It has been a while since we had a video of Vern playing his guitar. It is time. He received a new amp for Christmas so I made him try it out for me. Enjoy.


Sunday, January 6, 2013

Christmas holiday 2012

I always enjoy the time around Christmas/New Year from the perspective of sharing it with the kids. I take off time when they are off from school and we hang out. Sometimes we do things. Sometimes we are lazy. The point is spending quality time with them and enjoying being a family.  This year was no exception. The bonus this year was Superman also took time off so we had total family time.

Darn Blogger made it more difficult to upload photos so I do not have as many as I would like on here. We will just make do until I find an easier way to add photos to my blogs.

All right for some activities we did. Of course we had presents and Christmas. Here is a shot of Vern getting a Christmas ornament of the best player on his favorite pro team. His aunt scored on that one!!!

The pets L-O-V-E-D having us home for the holidays. They all vied for our attention. Here is a shot of Ann and Buddy. I thought this was and excellent photo and Ann took it herself! She is so good at so many things. 

Here is another one of our pets out playing in the snow. OK so it is not really our pet but we had a great time watching them play. I was surprised for African lions they stayed out in the cold. I would expect the temperatures to be to cold for them. Shows you what I know...not much! :-)

We also played Apples to Apples and UNO with the family.  The kids also got me to participate in the new Just Dance 4 Wii game. I beat them on the One Direction song and I think they were as shocked as I was. Ann usually wins all the rounds on that game.

We watched a couple movies (none were outstanding). We also did a bunch of cooking and decluttering of bedrooms. Vern's room looks a LOT better after taking loads of stuff out of his room. We also did our share of sleeping in. I was more relaxed than I had been in a heck of a long time.  I think the word I am going to choose this time off - contentment.

Now we are going back to our regularly scheduled hectic lives.