Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Game #1 - New Season/New Team!

So here we are back for a new season of kid tackle football. Vern is playing for a new team all decked out in black and purple.  They are just so darn adorable in their uniforms!!!

I am such a football mom. I love watching the kids play. I love cheering the team. I love the photos and getting outside and most of all I love watching Vern play!!!!

Here is the weather for game one. Partly cloudy and great temps. A few sprinkles at the beginning of the game but very do-able.

It was kind of ironic that Vern's first game of this year was against his old team last year. They have a new 55 that did well for their team.  On a down note Vern did not get to play many plays at all. He played corner on the defense around the minimum plays they must play. Needless to say mom was a little upset. I knew how well Vern can play and thought the coaches should notice that.

"COME ON COACHES. HE CAN DO MORE THAN THAT. LET HIM PLAY!!!!" OK, I really didn't say that but I was thinking it loudly in my brain.  I did find out that the coaches kids played the E-N-T-I-R-E game, again not fair but that is how life goes. I do think that when a team gets far enough ahead (as in this game). The coaches should let all the kids rotate in and pull out the first team or favorites. I mean come on, the kids are 11 and 12 years old. The kids all work out hard and should be rewarded with play time. I am sure I would not be a popular coach and it is probably why I am in the stands. :-)

On a positive note, Vern was ecstatic his team won the game. He didn't seem to mind that he only played a few plays. The point to him was: HIS TEAM WON.

Now onto some more photos from the game.  Here we have Vern (number 27) watching the offense to not let them by him.

Here we have Vern doing his job and not letting the other kid by him. Way to block Vern!
Here we have Vern in the right spot again. He is defending his man.  The uniforms are very difficult to read and about the only time during a game I know if he is out there is by looking to see if the kid is doing Vern things like sucking on his mouth piece or adjusting his cup to know if it is him or not. 

Here we have the final score: Vern's team 29. Vern's old team 0.

Wonder what will happen next game???

Monday, August 20, 2012

Piling them together

I am piling recent events into one blog. I am so swamped I just can't get everything done lately.

First we have the Court of Honor. Vern received quite a few patches for completing activities and attending summer camp this year.  This first photo he looks a little worried.

Here is a much more relaxed happy Vern shot. He looks so grown up in this shot. Insert proud mom heart here.

Also at this court of honor John has aged out of Scouts - age 18. The Scoutmaster had GREAT things to say about John. John is a scout who became an Eagle Scout at an early age yet continued actively involved in scouts and organizing activities. Thanks Scoutmaster for the kind words on a departing scout of the best kind.

It was the very next day and Vern started school. I always take photos of the kids before they head off to the first day of school. Here are this years shots.

Vern did get new clothes for the first day of school but unfortunately he did not have them on until later that week but that is another story. Suffice it to say Vern had a great first day of middle school. He is growing up!

Thursday, August 9, 2012


So the other week we were sitting in church.

Things were going OK for once. Vern and Ann were on each side of me. No shoes were being tossed. No whining, pinching, poking, prodding, or otherwise goading was occurring. They were awake but slouching. I call that a win for our family in church.

Then I look over to my right...

Vern had begun moaning loudly - holding his crotch.

"What happened?" I whisper.

"Moooom, I moved wrong in my chair and crushed my balls."

More writhing in agony but maintaining his balance on the chair.

"Mom, can I go to the bathroom?"


"But I maybe bleeding to death. I need to check."

"Church is almost over you can wait until we are finished."

Picture more groaning and writhing and carrying on in his chair.

"Mom, there go your grand kids!" (still holding his crotch and rolling to the floor)

I am trying SO hard to keep a straight face and finish church. I fail - the giggle escapes.

"Go in Peace - Serve the Lord

Church is officially over. Vern sprints to the restroom to verify the family jewels are indeed not bleeding. Once reassured of that fact, he comes to the realization he will live. Life is once again good in Vern's world.