Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Game 5 - 2011

Dear Football Fans,
Wow, yet another beautiful perfect fall day. Sunny, perfect temperatures, and a slight breeze. Yes, I am trying to find a bright spot in the football world as they lost this week. :-(
Opening kickoff the opposing team takes off down the sideline and scores. They even make the extra point only in Jr. Midgets it is worth 2 points!!! Before you can blink an eye our team is down 22 - 0. Not looking good.
We do come back with some good plays.  Here is Vern going for the tackle. Great photo hubby!


Another great shot of Vern blocking.
Nearing halftime we drive down the field and get to the one foot line on first down. Unfortunately the next 3 plays go backward and we end the half without a score.

The second half went a bit better. We recovered a fumble and ended up scoring! At least it wasn't a shut out.
The final score.

Next week is to a new town we haven't played before. It should be an adventure since hubby is out of town. I am hoping to get John to take the pictures. We shall see how it turns out.

DA Mom.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Game 4 - THEY WON!!!

I am SO upset I missed their win.  We were off in another town over an hour away watching Ann march for her school. (She is in the middle.)

But back to the game...

I didn't get to hear much about this game except Vern had one sack.  They scored in the opening kickoff.  The other team came back and it was tied 6-6. They went into overtime and our team won!!!

Enjoy a few photos courtsy of Vern's dad.
Vern and his beautiful blue eyes.

Running out for a play.


Here he is ringing the bell. If they have a home game and win, each kid gets to ring the bell.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Game 3

Dearest Football Fans,

Vern's team is not starting out to well. After game 3 they are now 0-3. This is in no way an indication that they are playing poorly. They just have a couple big thing going on that prevent them from scoring. The biggest is speed or more appropriately I should say lack of speed. Every time the opposing team runs outside our boys just can't keep up. The other teams running back just zooms away from our team.  The opposite is true when our team is on offense.  The opposing team catches whomever happens to have the ball. If we try to run outside, the poor kid is swamped with about 6 kids from the other team. 

Even Vern needs to work on his running. Being a lineman, he doesn't need to be as fast as the wirey kids but he does need to be able to move. I hate to say this but it looks like I am out there running! I told the hubby we need to start a running program with Vern and get us all into shape. Unfortunately I don't know any form tricks to tell him as my body is about as adept at running as oh.... a sloth. My entire body groans and rebels anytime I have attempted to run. My bones clatter together and those around me think a nearby building is collapsing. My knock knees and pigeon toed feet do not help matters. I am able to trip and fall down simply w-a-l-k-i-n-g across a parking lot. (Yes, that happened a month ago.) I am digressing but trying to stress the point of my non-running abilities. How will Vern excel at football if he has my running ability. (big sad tears)  Is there anyone out there that has tips for helping a child learn to run? How would I even find such information?

I was pleased with how the game went, except for the winning part. I can see the kids getting discouraged and that is sad to watch. Hubby did get some great shots this week with his new camera. It has a "ginormous" lens. Ok, it's not THAT big but when men talk it is all about the size. Here are some of my favorite shots of the week. I love the contrasting colors.

Here we have some good tackling action going on.

I was hoping this next shot was a show of sportsman like conduct. Vern tells me, No mom I was mad at that dude. Sigh.... I like my thoughts better.

Next we have another line shot. I like #4 getting double teamed in this shot and trying to bust through.

 Here we have the disappointing final. No touchdowns for us this week.

Have a great week,
DA Football Mom.

Monday, September 12, 2011

White N Nerdy

I like it when kids get away from the TV and video games and try to be creative. The kids did this recently and were playing it on the computer while I was watching.

They both replied - " OH NO, YOU'RE PUTTING THIS ON MY SON VERN"
"Yes I am."

Sometimes, they are just too smart for their own good!

Monday, September 5, 2011

Game 2

Dearest Football Fans,

This game day started out cool and cloudy but by game time it was sunny and warm again. Yes...I did get sunburnt again but this time more on the other side so I am even now!

Vern was much more alert and ready for this game. He played a LOT better. It was good to see. The coaches did pull him from the offense and he just played defense and offense more as a backup.  It was hard to tell if Vern was happy with that or not.

Unfortunately the team lost 6-24 again this week. I was pleased that they have scored both their first two games. I was also happy that the defense held the other team a lot better this week. You couldn't tell from the scrore but they held the opponent to less first downs and even had some fumble recoveries. Now just to get our offense on track.

Now to the photos. Can you tell any difference? Superman purchased a new camera and was learning how to use it. Here we have Vern talking to one of the coaches.

 Chasing the ball.

Picking himself up after a play.

The final score.

Until next game,
The Mom.