Thursday, April 18, 2013

He's in the dog house now.

Poor Vern.

He is in the dog house with mom.

It is his own choice.

I hope he gets out soon.

Still love you Vern,

So what did Vern do this time? Well he is a boy with ADD. He gets sidetracked very easily. Vern can not seem to leave his electronic devices alone. He could play with them a lot more IF he would just follow the rules. What are the rules?  Do your homework and (easy peesy) chores. I had to take drastic measures and take away the devices until his book and book report are finished. Vern is NOT happy with me to say the least. I don't like being the mean mom but I do try to be a good parent and this is one of those things you do as a parent to make better kids. What is even more frustrating with this situation is that he just agreed to work on this and do better 3 days ago. Sometimes, OK a lot of the time, I think he just says yes to get grown-ups to be quiet. I don't know how to fix that except with these extreme measures. Let's hope Vern gets that book report finished soon!!!

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Gagging in the morning, gagging in the evening, gagging at supper-time

The post name is a knock-off of the old old song Sugartime - 1958 . It popped into my head after experiencing the Vern story below.

Last night I was working late so the family was on their own for dinner. By on their own I mean they had to basically reheat dinner. Anyway after dinner was Vern's turn for dishes clean-up. He did a small amount of clean-up and then he and Superman came back to town to fetch me and get Vern a haircut.

When we got home I was in quite a bit of pain with a sore back so I had to lie down with some ice packs. After I came upstairs and the dishes were still not finished. I asked Vern to please finish the dishes. He whined and complained and said, "Oh, I will do it in the morning mom." I didn't put up a fight because I was feeling so bad.

Move forward to this morning, and I go tell Vern to remember he has dishes this morning. "Yes mom."  Only a couple more reminders and he puts on my purple gloves and started to load the dishwasher.

All of a sudden I hear this gagging, retching, throwing up sound. I look over and Vern has moved away from the sink acting like he is going to vomit at any minute.

"What's the matter Vern?" I inquire, knowing full well what was going on. The STUFF in the sink fermented overnight.

"This stuff stinks! OMG it is terrible." Vern says as he runs across the kitchen, takes a big gulp of fresh air and runs back to stick in a couple more dishes before running back for another fresh air break.

I am chuckling now. I sure hope Vern learned his life lesson on this one. Sometimes procrastination is not in the best interest of anyone.


Thursday, April 4, 2013

Vern Worries

Vern worries of late:

"Mom I am fat!"

Me: "NO you are NOT! You just need to eat healthy food instead of junk food."

"Mom I have that s word! Look at me."

Me: "what?"

"You know where your back is in an S shape. Look at my back it curves in!"

Me: "Ohhhh, you mean scoliosis. No your back would need to form an S shape left to right. The s shape top to bottom is very normal."

"Mom, I don't know if I am good enough to make the bad basketball team next year."

Me: "You will do fine."

"Mom, I can't get to sleep!"

"Mommmmmm I hate my clothes."

I think Vern is getting ready to blow into puberty soon. Hang on!!!