Sunday, November 28, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving

Vern had a good Thanksgiving holiday.  He was able to spend time with all his family.

He helped decorate for Christmas.

We watched some awesome movies - tonight a classic - E.T.  He LOVES IT!!!

He asked me if I had done any Christmas shopping yet. I said for who?  Vern says...well um  for me, John, and Ann.

I said well maybe ;-) ;-)

I would like to wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving!

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Drama Queens

Vern and Ann fight more than any brother and sister should. I am telling you YIKES!  90% of the time they are at each other, be it bickering, name calling, he said/she said, poking, touching, and all out fighting.

It doesn't even matter that they know I will punish them. The punishement seems like a minor inconvience to them.  It is like, "Oh look, mom is going to punish me. Let's get this overwith so I can go back to my true calling in life, bugging (insert either child's name here)"

Last week Ann got into trouble for leaving Vern stranded in the bathroom and drawing blood.  Today Vern would not stop bugging Ann no matter how many times I tried to reason with him.

Today they were both in tears and screaming at the top of their lungs. I finally gave up and tuned it out.
They both went to bed mad at the world.


Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Swirleys anyone?

I don't know if it a LOT of boys or just this one I happen to be blessed with, but flushing a toilet is such a foreign concept to Vern.
We talk.
We put up posters.
We yell.
We talk some more.

And still we get the surprises in the bathroom.

and running from the bathroom from Ann. Followed by:
"Vern is the most disgusting thing. He didn't flush again and it smells and its gross and I AM NOT cleaning that up!"

Son #1, John, has always flushed and washed his hands.

Earlier this fall after one particular incident where I was lucky enough to find the remains, Superman and myself actually picked him up and put his head near the toilet as I flushed in an attempt to give him a swirley.  He screamed like a girl and he flushed for a week straight.

I think that swirley has worn off.  He is back to his old ways. :-(

We put up a new sign in the bathroom to flush and wash. I have my doubts it will work.  I have even had him clean the toilet multiple times and it still doesn't sink in.

Maybe its time for the next swirley where we actually get him wet???

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Happy Birthday Vern!

Hey now, I don't care if I over use the exclamation point!!!!!
That is the kind of person I am. If you know DA MOM then you know my life is like an exclamation point and I like expressing myself in the same manner in writing!!!!

Ok, so I also digress here and there...back to the blog at hand.

Today was Vern's 10th birthday.  I think he had a good day.  He woke up chipper and couldn't wait to open presents.  They never wait until nighttime for cake and then presents. No, my children hop out of bed, get dressed and run to the kitchen for presents!!!!  GIVE THEM NOWWWWWWWWWWWWWW.

"Hi, I am awake and smiling..Ok so I may be faking really being awake but come on its 6:30 am and I just got out of bed. Can I have some slack?"

"You got me, yes I am really awake. I got my nerf tommy gun that I have been asking for!!!! SWEET. Can I shoot Larry?"

"My sister got me all these gifts, but come on a pumpkin???"

"DUDE, I got the cake I requested - chocolate with chocolate frosting!"
(Side note, DA MOM made this from scratch meaning not from a box. The frosting is real butter frosting from scratch also. It was amazing. No chemical taste.)

"What? I have to blow all these out in one breath? Let's hope I don't catch my chest hair on fire."

We also had a night of Wii Guitar Hero and Vern got to pick the meal. He chose hamburgers on buns, green beans, and potato chips.

HAPPY 10th Birthday Vern!!!!!

Sunday, November 7, 2010

WHO is this kid?

Friday, I fell out of my chair and hurt myself.

I could NOT believe what I read in an email from Vern's teacher.

I had written her a note asking if she would please get him his homework for Monday as he was going to miss school.  (He was going to his reward professional football game for doing well in school.)

Not only did she give him his homework but Vern decided to miss his recess and get ALL his homework done while he was still in school!!!

Now take one minute and digest what I just typed. HE - GAVE -UP - HIS - RECESS to do homework.  Recess is his F-A-V-O-R-I-T-E subject in school. He has told me this.  Sometimes I see little glimmers of hope for this boy.

Part II of the Blog.

He had a blast at the game. Here are a couple pictures his dad sent.

The ViQueens even won but it took overtime. Good game for Vern to see!  (Ya, I am not a ViQueen fan.)

Thursday, November 4, 2010


Why God Made Little Boys

Author: Unknown

God made the world out of His dreams

Of magic mountains, oceans and streams,

Prairies and plans and wooded land,

Then paused and thought "I need someone to stand

On top of mountains, to conquer the seas,

Explore the plains and climb the trees.

Someone to start out small and to grow,

Sturdy, strong as a tree…" And so,

He created boys, full of spirit and fun,

To explore and conquer, to romp and run.

With dirty faces and banged up chins,

With courageous hearts and boyish grins.

When He had completed the task He'd begun

He surely said "A job well done".

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Liar, Liar his pants are on fire...

Well Vern is back to his old ways only a week done with football. It makes me kinda sad. 

First is this past weekend. Does 0 homework. His dad gets on him to do his homework so he can do trick or treating. He does an itty bitty part of homework, says its all done with a totally straight face to his dad - gets to go trick or treating. Homework no where near done.

Monday - work bad for me. I call and say homework must be done or no scouts. Call MULTIPLE times to make sure he is working and getting it done. He assures me he is and it is done except for one worksheet he needs help with. I say ok.

I am late getting home, glance at his homework tell him to grab his worksheet, guitar and get into the car.

ZOOM - we ran off to guitar lessons. He comes out after his lesson and I say where is the worksheet?  He looks at me and says "Oh you wanted me to bring the worksheet?"  I was FUMING!  We go to Scouts next.

I lecture him on the way home and told him he will be punished for lying. I have no idea what punishment to give this boy.

I am back to being frustrated on what to do with this boy. He lies to everyone with a straight face and when caught just says "I'm sorry" and expects to be forgiven.

I asked him tonight why he lied to us about his homework and I don't know was not an answer. He finally said that he doesn't do his homework because he likes me helping him at night. We have "all" this time to do it now that there isn't football.

We settled on him trying to get his homework done so we can do "fun" things he picks out after I get home at night.

Other Ideas???