Thursday, August 12, 2010

Equipment Night

Tonight the equipment FINALLLY came in so we had equipment night for Vern. It was only around 97 degrees at pick up time in an even warmer community building with NO air conditioning. Everyone standing in line was dripping sweat doing nothing. It was aweful.

We got all his stuff in a bag, then he got his pads. Coach said oh adjust those when you get home - tighten them here and he pointed to two black things in the front. I thought, ok I can handle this.  Next it was off to get his helmet.

I melted.

We finally got home and Vern had had to try on everything. So after 10 minutes I got his pads adjusted. Another 10 minutes to figure out how to adjust the helmet and chin strap. Why aren't there instructions for first time mom's who have never had a football suit on nor have I had any brothers to have had this contraption on???

Next we move onto the pants. I said ok lets get the pads in the pants. After I worked on that another 20 minutes there are 2 pads left. I have NO IDEA where these go. I have stuffed pads everywhere in the pants I can think of and Vern can't even come close to getting his pants shut!

I finally give up and call his dad who said he should be able to figure it out.  Sheesh, it is going to take that boy 1/2 hour to get that contraption on for practice.

I feel so out of my element and safe zone when I do these things. I think Vern feels a bit antimidated also as all the kids are from the town he is playing at and he is from a different town and knows no one.  He is so pumped about it all though that he is ok. Just so he can play!

Full pad practice is Saturday. I hope it's less than 95 degrees.


  1. Were they two small, skinny little pads that you think wouldn't go anywhere?

  2. No, they looked like knee pads but there was no place for them after I put in the thigh pads...still scratching my head.
