Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Book Fair - Book Fair - Book Fair

Vern must have asked 10 times to go to the schools "Book Fair".  It is an unfair money raiser that they sell and sell and sell to get the kids to bring their parents to all under the guise of helping the school.  COME ON, I pay a sh*t-ton in property taxes which the school gets a large share of and then they sell this crap to the kids.....Opps I seem to have somehow climbed on a big soapbox. Let me climb back off and get to the topic at hand the Book Fair.

Vern has been teetering on the edge of naughty/nice for a few weeks now. It is like he is walking a tight-rope and slips a LOT.  I told him we would go to the BookFair IF he did his chores and homework when he got home from school.  "YES MOM" was the enthusiastic reply.

Well you know how life gets in the way, Ann's new glasses came in the same day. She had to get them fitted and they close at 6 p.m. and are only open Monday - Friday (really want to get on my soap box about that but I won't).  So we rush home from work, have kids jump in the car and R-U-S-H back to the city to get to the office before they close. That goes well but the "I'm hungries" started.  We go eat cheap - nasty food to fill them up. Then have to rush back to our town to get to the book fair before they close.

The kids pick out their books and are very excited. I am wondering where the evening goes.


We get home. I walk in the door and immediately see Vern's jobs are not done. Vern has completely fallen off the tightrope this time.

I EXPLODE.  Good thing I am like the terminator and can mold myself back together. (Did you know all mom's have this superpower ability?)

His brand new books are handed over and the tears start.  He cries his entire shower. I don't want to be the mean mom but the boy has to learn about consequences sometime.

It has been a few days and still no books. He has not had good enough behavior yet. I am hoping for a good day soon.