Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Sex questions from an 11 year old

Driving always seems to bring out questions in Vern. The other day was no different.

V - "Mom?"
M - "Yes honey."

V - "Can you have more than one orgasm in a day?"

Luckily I was not driving or I may have driven into something.

M - "Yes, why do you ask?"

V - "Well you get so tired after I was just wondering."

Shocked look given to Superman who is loving that this is happening to me.

M - "What is making you think about all this now Vern?"

V - stammering trying to come up with an answer without telling mom the real reason - "Um, you know we went to health night during school and I was just wondering."

Pause in conversation.
V - "Do women have an orgasm?"

M - "Yes." Giving Superman a painful look who is looking over at me while driving and trying not to laugh.

V - "Well how does the stuff go into the man?"

M - "Ejaculation and orgasm are different between a man and woman. So do you have your stuff packed for camp Vern?"

I couldn't handle any more of those kind of questions!!! He is 11 for goodness sakes. I don't know where he was getting ideas to ask this stuff but I am glad he asked for the facts from me instead of some other kid.

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