Sunday, January 8, 2012

Vern's Christmas

Yes Vern and I are here!!!!
Here are some photos from our Christmas. We had a good time with multiple celebrations. I just love family gatherings and enjoyed each one.
This photo is of the boys during our gathering with my parents. We have Superman, Vern, John, and Grandpa. I think Superman is plugged in from the looks of it. Maybe that is how he gets his "super" powers. HA HA.

Here we have Vern opening a gift from our immediate family present exchange. He was in charge of passing out our gifts this year. I think it was the first time ever. He enjoyed it.

You know I would have a story. So this next photo and the one above is how Vern opened most of his presents. He was happy but not jubilant. He liked his gifts but... it was not an X-box.

Que in Vern's sister and the rivalry begins! One of her presents was a tablet. She was SO excited to get this present as you can see below. You should have heard Vern. "WHAT? Why does she get a tablet?????" He frantically looks around for a box like that with his name on. Finding none, sad face appears.

Then to add insult to injury, John received a laptop for college. Vern was beside himself. Neither Santa, nor mom and dad loved him. How could such injustice occur!?!?!?!?!?!!?
Finally way back behind the tree, one of the last gifts for Vern to open, redemption occurred. Santa does love him. A TABLET.  The happiness is in the photo as you can see.

Next we have the dog. She has decided to start practicing her smiles for the camera.  Here she is practicing...

And here we have the full on smile. Look her teeth even show with her new outfit on! I just had to put this in for equality sake. That and her smiling is just the latest thing she does.

Finally we have Vern with all his gifts. I'm glad he ended up with the happy face on at the end. Yes, I spoil my kids at Christmas. They are worth it!

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