Monday, May 27, 2013

Always a Comedian

The other day Vern had to go to the doctors. It was time to get ready for summer and next school year with physicals and shots.

We get called back. Vern is now 5 foot tall!!!! This is a big deal as he does not want to be short. Unfortunately he takes after my side of the family and the men are not very tall...

Next we go into the room. Vern asks the nurse if the shots will hurt. She tells him he will feel a prick. He then asks her, "Will doc do the cough thing?"  The nurse and I both reply we do not think so.

Doc comes in. Verifies Vern is indeed healthy then asks me to step out. I step out and both myself and the nurse feel bad - we told Vern a fib. We had no idea doc was going to perform THAT exam but Vern lived.  :-)

Next it is time for the shots. The nurse comes in with her syringes and Band-Aids. Then she realizes she forgot something. Out of the room she goes and I muse out loud, I wonder what she forgot. Looking up at me Vern says with a straight face "Morphine". I burst out laughing. The nurse comes back in and I tell her what Vern said. She laughs louder than I did.

Vern just sits there smiling as I tell him he is a great comedian with the most creative brain ever. 

He did great with his shots. Vern was my hero that day. <3 boy="" p="" that="">

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Sore wrist / sore ego

Vern wakes up and immediately puts on Superman's wrist brace. He has had a fascination with this brace since Superman began wearing it last week.

I notice he has it on and say, "You can't wear that to school."

Prompt reply from Vern, "Oh yes I can."

Superman hears and jumps into the conversation, "Take off my wrist band now. I need to wear it at work."

Vern, "NO. I need to wear it. I hurt my wrist."

Superman, "Take off my wrist band now."

V, "NO!"

S, "Take it off, you can wear a bandage."

V, "NO!"

S,  "Take off my wrist band now."

You are getting the picture here right? This goes on for a few more rounds.

Finally near the end of this Tet-a-Tet Vern says, "The school nurse TOLD me to wear it today."

S, "Oh should I call the nurse today and see what she has to say about this?"

V, "She told me to go to the doctor and to wear the brace."

S, "OK, I will call and get her side of the story later today."

Vern hands back the brace and lets me put an ace-like bandage on his wrist.

Monday, May 13, 2013

Mother's Day 2013

I love Mother's Day.

The kids try not to fight.

They feed me breakfast in bed. It is just so much fun to have everyone eating breakfast in our big bed. They are so big now it is hard for 5 people to fit around a tiny tray of food. Then I receive these awesome cards that make me cry EVERY SINGLE TIME.

Who cares that I have a messy kitchen to clean up later. I just love being a mom!!!!

Vern was extra sweet to me today. He tried to be extra helpful. He mowed the lawn as we told him to. (Usually he races round the yard like it is a racetrack.)

The weather was absolutely perfect.

I planted flowers.

I got to talk to both of my moms. They each had good days too.

It was a good day to be alive.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

School is almost out...

On last post you saw I was not so happy with Vern. I have not posted much as we have been working hard to get through another book and working on his priorities.

I am happy to report that we just finished a book last night. Now he has to get the report written, turned in and approved in order for it to count toward his final grade.

Vern has a big summer planned with camps, vacations, and volunteer work. I will have a lot to write about as we ramp up to summer. Now if only the weather would warm up!

I thought I would include some recent photos.

Here is Vern doing one of his favorite things. Lounging in the lazyBOY with his remote. We have this priority to work on...

Here he is at his spring concert from school. He is standing beside his best friend. We asked him if he got in trouble a lot in music if he sat that close to his friend. He averted his eyes and said "Sometimes".  At least he is honest!