Monday, June 21, 2010

Zoom - zoom

Where does the summer go?  It has been a week since I posted a blog.

I have to confess, I have been taking some time to focus on my relationship this past weekend and not blogging. Hey it happens, we all have to manage our time to the best of our abilities and it just so happened this past weekend needed work in other areas. :-)

Vern has finished up his swimming lessons.  I have yet to find out if he passed. He did have a YMCA councelor call this morning because he didn't pack a swimsuit from his dad's house and was panicing on what to do for swim lessons.  Vern lucked out in that they are finished. I hope he passed.

He also started summer reading at school. This he doesn't like but that is no big surprise now is it???  He has a bit of homework with the class so I will try to keep him focused during the summer.  I have been spending time before bed with him reading a dragon book his grandma gave him and he seems to enjoy that.  Finding something to interest him is a challenge because what he liked last year he doesn't this year.

This past weekend Vern went tubing with the Scouts. He said he had a good time but had to wear a life jacket. I am glad for that part. I didn't hear much else except it was sunny and nice.

That's about all for now.

1 comment:

  1. I remember being 'Verns' age - I volunteered for summer school. On. My. Own. Accord.

    I wanted to skip a grade.
