Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Gearing up

Pun intended. Keep reading.

So the other night we headed down to the Sporting Goods Metropolis. Talk about a racket on gear - they get in good with the local teams and have you hooked.  They can charge whatever they'd like and you just smile and hand them your credit card. Sometimes I hate consumerism but that is for my other blog...

Somehow Vern just keeps on growing, as all kids do.  We needed to purchase a football helmet, shoes, mouth guard, water bottle and I didn't know at the time but do now black socks. Anyway I wanted to let you all know we are back to famous red shoes this year. Vern tried on a few different pairs and kept coming back to the red pair so we bought them. I hope Vern has great traction in his red shoes and has an awesome season.

Did I happen to mention how
these things are?  Including a "generous" 15% discount on the helmet only.   Digressing again...  Of course as we are paying there is a cute Vern story.

Lady at checkout counter - henceforth known as CC - "How old are you?"

Vern "ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm....... 11"

Laughter amongst the adults, yes he really needed to think about it.

CC - "Was your birthday just yesterday?"

Vern "No"

CC - "When was it?"

Vern - "Ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm....another long pause and trying really really hard to remember....last November."

More laughter.

Vern is such a GREAT kid. He always can make people smile and laugh.

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