Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Swim Lessons

The YMCA and I had been going around and around with poor Vern and his swimming lessons. First he was signed up to go during summer fun club. They "forgot" to take him. They said it was my responsibility to tell them when he needed to walk across the street. That the child care department of the YMCA and the aquatics director (all in the same building right next to each other) could not communicate this information. Well as you may or may not know, that didn't set well with me and I raised a stink about it.  They told me they would credit Vern's account and I could sign him up for indoor lessons in the fall or winter and he could take them at that time.
I was OK with that so I signed him up right after Christmas for lessons. We show up the first night and I don't see any kids his age. Most kids are teeny tiny with their moms. I'm scratching my head wondering what is going on. 40+ minutes later I FINALLY get taken to the front desk. "Oh, we tried to call you at xxx-xxxx and leave a message that his lessons were canceled."   EEK, they made me mad a second time for a couple reasons. First, my home phone number has NEVER been that. The YMCA has has my correct phone number for the 15 years I have been a member. It has been the same on EVERY document I have ever filled out. Did you possibly look anywhere else? Nor did I get a call on my cell phone which was listed. Next, John works here and you could have told him!  After all that I ask them why it is so hard to get my son lessons? I have been trying to get him simple swimming lessons for a YEAR?!?!??!?! This is the YMCA correct? One of the services they are supposed to provide - hello???

I think at this point the aquatics director was trying to figure out what to do to please me. I suggested for my trouble I get equivalent private lessons. This would ensure Vern gets lessons and I could work directly with the teacher on times and such.
Let me just say now, Loren was W-O-N-D-E-R-F-U-L. We worked well together on scheduling and when one or the other had to change it was always taken care of. She was great!  She was just the right amount of toughness on Vern. She worked him hard and pushed him to succeed. (She is a teacher in her daytime job.) Thank you Loren for all your great work.

On his last lesson he had to take the swimming test. This involved swimming the pool multiple times with multiple strokes and flipping at the ends. We got a couple pictures and you can see how tired he was just from the photos.

HE PASSED!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Since he passed this level, I told him he didn't have to take any more lessons. I tried to persuade him to join swim team but had no luck. I'm very glad the story had a happy ending.

Good Job Vern.

Friday, April 6, 2012

Report Card Time

That time of year again...Report cards.
I can't imagine being a kid and having to bring that home to mom and dad.

"Will they be mad at me?"
"Will they be proud of me?"
"I wonder how I did?"
"I guess I could peek..."
So I get some texts from Vern.
- Mom I got my report card.
- Are you there?
- Are you proud of me?

I reply back - Of course I am proud of you. Why wouldn't I be?

THEN I go back and see a text I missed.

- Mom, I got 4 A's and 2 B's.
I couldn't wait to get home and hug and praise and squeeze him.  I thought I might injure myself with all the jumping up and down.

I got home and couldn't wait to see his report card.  There were NO needs improvements anywhere on the card.  There were even some Excellent! It was his best report card ever.

I am SO VERY proud of my Vern. He has come a long way!

Over the top Proud Mom.