Sometimes I really believe there is a brick wall around Vern's brain. The information is held at bay like a fortress. Nothing will enter unless Vern decides to let down the gate and allow minute bits of information to flow in. Those bits of information are usually football related stories or statistics. I keep praying that useful information will be allowed to enter but to-date the jury is still out.
Here is an example of what I mean.
We were at church Sunday. The entire service and sermon was focused on loving everyone, we all have a purpose no matter what we look like or how we act, God created us special, unique and for a reason. You get the picture.
As we are watching a group of kids sing, Vern leans over and asks me "Mom, is that one in the middle a boy or girl? I can't tell. How can you tell?"
A little later Vern asks, "Mom, why is that kid tttt-tal-tttalking funny?"
Me: (getting more upset) "It is called stuttering, you stutter when you get excited. It is no big deal. Now shush!"
Fidgiting continues followed by giggling.
Me: "What are you laughing at?"
"Mom, there is that guy over there that looks like Superman."
I shush him and grab his leg to be quiet.
I then had to remove him from church (by his ear) for a good talking to in the entry. Why did I draw the straw to sit by Vern today I am thinking...
We go back into the santuary and he sits arms crossed with a scowl on his face glowering at me the entire time. I manage not to hurt him the rest of the service.
So we get out to the car for the journey home and Vern starts in A-G-A-I-N.
"That kid was a girl. I just couldn't tell. Why did she look like that?"
The 3 of us also in the car all say in amazing unison "DIDN'T YOU LISTEN TO THE SERMON???"
"Hu?" Blank look on Vern's face.
Me: "About how everyone is made special. We should love everyone like God does no matter what they look like?"
Vern: "No."
Silent exasperation follows.
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
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I would have flicked him in the head...