Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Alligator meat!

Vern was in quite the talkative mood the other night.  We had beef ribs for dinner. We are not a big fan of beef ribs but this is the last of the side of beef we had and sometimes we have to eat the cuts we don't like as a family.

I tried to find a decent piece for Vern to have. I cut off the fat (a huge task) and tried to make it edible with BBQ sauce and nice accompaniments of mashed potatoes, green beans, and home made bread.  He did ok but still complained of it being toooooooo chewy and why do we have to eat this. Why can't he just have another piece of bread....bla bla bla.

Then he starts talking about all this different kinds of meat he has tried. 

"...and guess what I have even tried ALLIGATOR!"

"When did you try that - over at the wild game feed?" (they attended one for the boy scouts the previous Friday.)

"Oh no mom, at dad's house!"


"Yes, he got it in the mail or something. Really mom he has some." 
(I think he was trying to convince me his dad went out and captured this alligator on his own.)

(Now remember we live in the midwest where there is narry an alligator nor any other reptile of the sort that could survive our winters.)

"And you tried it?"

"Well not really but he has some!"

At this point I burst out laughing at his fabulous story telling abilities.  I do hope he blogs or is published when he is an adult.


  1. Oooo! Ooooo! Ooooo! I'll take some of that unwanted meat. Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease.

  2. I've had alligator. It's delicious.
