Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Another episode of "frustration"

Vern is required to read so many books at a certain level each quarter at school. This varies per child and their ability.

1st semester he achieved his goals abiet barely.

This quarter not so much. He is suppose to get a total of 20 points this quarter.  Depending on the book, each one can be from 3-10 points.  There is less than a month left in the quarter and Vern has 2 points... A MEASLY 2 points.

I nag.

I lecture.

I beg.

I nag some more.

Vern ..................................................tuned out.........................................................

It is not like he doesn't read. He has started around 5 books this quarter. One book he even completed but the problem was his teacher was also reading it to them during school so she wouldn't count it as a book he could test on.  FRUSTRATION. I asked Vern before he even started that book if the teacher said it would be ok. He assured me with his innocent sweet face that she said yes.  At conferences I find out differently. GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR  On the other 4 books Vern gets about 50 pages or so into it and decides he just can't finish it.   He has many reasons that are valid to a 10 year old.

It is to hard to understand.

It is borrrrrrring. 

I don't like it.

DA Mom...............................................tuned out...........................................................................

I refuse to accept these excuses.  So we are at a stand off.  HOW on earth do I get this kid over the reading bump?  I need to figure out some trick to making him a life long reader. I know these things don't just happen. It isn't like he is in a void where no one in the family reads. John and Ann are good readers. I absolutely LOVE to read.  The kids all know I will buy them books IF they will read them.  We have checked bookstores for football books. Those are slim pickins I might add. Maybe 1 book if we are lucky.


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