Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Liar, Liar his pants are on fire...

Well Vern is back to his old ways only a week done with football. It makes me kinda sad. 

First is this past weekend. Does 0 homework. His dad gets on him to do his homework so he can do trick or treating. He does an itty bitty part of homework, says its all done with a totally straight face to his dad - gets to go trick or treating. Homework no where near done.

Monday - work bad for me. I call and say homework must be done or no scouts. Call MULTIPLE times to make sure he is working and getting it done. He assures me he is and it is done except for one worksheet he needs help with. I say ok.

I am late getting home, glance at his homework tell him to grab his worksheet, guitar and get into the car.

ZOOM - we ran off to guitar lessons. He comes out after his lesson and I say where is the worksheet?  He looks at me and says "Oh you wanted me to bring the worksheet?"  I was FUMING!  We go to Scouts next.

I lecture him on the way home and told him he will be punished for lying. I have no idea what punishment to give this boy.

I am back to being frustrated on what to do with this boy. He lies to everyone with a straight face and when caught just says "I'm sorry" and expects to be forgiven.

I asked him tonight why he lied to us about his homework and I don't know was not an answer. He finally said that he doesn't do his homework because he likes me helping him at night. We have "all" this time to do it now that there isn't football.

We settled on him trying to get his homework done so we can do "fun" things he picks out after I get home at night.

Other Ideas???

1 comment:

  1. Well, I have one idea... but involves the use of a small flightless bird, a bowling ball and a box of red ball-point pens. Got all those?
