Friday, August 20, 2010

Screaming has commenced...

Well we made it almost a week before Vern got in trouble. Last night was another football practice but dad had switched nights so Vern decided he was NOT going to read. I had told him he should in the morning and nope didn't do it. I said well you better before your dad picks you up - nope not then either.

So after he gets home from practice I had lost my patience and did the mom thing of telling or was that yelling at him this was his decision and there were only 4 things on his board he must do and right now he is only doing 2 of them and that constitutes no practice and no games.

Vern cried himself to sleep...

1 comment:

  1. Hi I just read all the current posts about your son. This is going to be a great account to have when he is a grown man. What a great idea! And believe me, one forgets all these lovely details in time.

    Thank you for your visit.
