Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Game 1 Photos

Here are some photos from game 1.

Pregame warm ups.

Ready to play.

Can we get started???? (he is number 55)


This train decided to go by during the game. Dang was it loud.

Go get'em Vern

It is hard to see but it says home 7 and visitors (us) 0

Saturday, August 28, 2010

0-1 They were robbed

Vern played in his first tackle football game today. It was very fun to watch them. I'll post pictures when I can.  They had a touch down but it was called back on a very questionable call. Had a few dads yelling.  Vern had a great time and was tired after. He played most of the game on both offense and defense.  I ended up getting sun burnt on one arm and half of my face.

On the way home after the game we saw some huge bomber planes from the air show going on.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

He has a number!

Vern has been squeeking by on the skin of his teeth staying in football. He knows his chores. He knows the rules. He just has a lot of trouble implementing them. I do in my heart feel he wants to make us all happy and do his chores but why the implementation is so difficult I have yet to figure out.

The other night he was telling me how hard it is to remember the plays. He says he remembers about half of them. I think that is pretty good for just starting out.  His first game is Saturday and I am as excited as he is I think. I just got an email stating his number. He is #55. Good ole double nickels Vern.  I will try to get some photos of him in his jersey.

I hope he does well.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Screaming has commenced...

Well we made it almost a week before Vern got in trouble. Last night was another football practice but dad had switched nights so Vern decided he was NOT going to read. I had told him he should in the morning and nope didn't do it. I said well you better before your dad picks you up - nope not then either.

So after he gets home from practice I had lost my patience and did the mom thing of telling or was that yelling at him this was his decision and there were only 4 things on his board he must do and right now he is only doing 2 of them and that constitutes no practice and no games.

Vern cried himself to sleep...

Monday, August 16, 2010

First day of school

I have this tradition on the first day of school.  I always take their pictures in front of the fireplace. Here we are in 2010 with Vern's pictures. It makes me smile.

Now this would NOT be my choice for an outfit but he was happy with it so that's all that matters.

He really is growing up.

And I had to throw one in of all of us.  My favorite thing, surrounded by my kids! Don't even say how bad I look as I had to run off right after this for surgery!

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Equipment Night

Tonight the equipment FINALLLY came in so we had equipment night for Vern. It was only around 97 degrees at pick up time in an even warmer community building with NO air conditioning. Everyone standing in line was dripping sweat doing nothing. It was aweful.

We got all his stuff in a bag, then he got his pads. Coach said oh adjust those when you get home - tighten them here and he pointed to two black things in the front. I thought, ok I can handle this.  Next it was off to get his helmet.

I melted.

We finally got home and Vern had had to try on everything. So after 10 minutes I got his pads adjusted. Another 10 minutes to figure out how to adjust the helmet and chin strap. Why aren't there instructions for first time mom's who have never had a football suit on nor have I had any brothers to have had this contraption on???

Next we move onto the pants. I said ok lets get the pads in the pants. After I worked on that another 20 minutes there are 2 pads left. I have NO IDEA where these go. I have stuffed pads everywhere in the pants I can think of and Vern can't even come close to getting his pants shut!

I finally give up and call his dad who said he should be able to figure it out.  Sheesh, it is going to take that boy 1/2 hour to get that contraption on for practice.

I feel so out of my element and safe zone when I do these things. I think Vern feels a bit antimidated also as all the kids are from the town he is playing at and he is from a different town and knows no one.  He is so pumped about it all though that he is ok. Just so he can play!

Full pad practice is Saturday. I hope it's less than 95 degrees.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

The first practice

Vern had his first football practice. I am late in typing this as the mosquitoes carried me to the Canadian border or somewhere but I have made it home to report in.

On the way to practice Vern kept telling me "Drive faster mom!" He wanted to be early. We were plenty early but that didn't matter. He was THAT excited.  Here are a few photos from the day.

Overheard from coaches "Wow, that kid can punt."

Weigh in.  He was one of the bigger kids thus he is a lineman. He is ok with this. Vern also told me the coaches said he was pretty fast for a striker (lineman).  He was happy to hear that.

After practice I asked him how it went. He said "Great mom. I listened and focused the entire time coach was talking."

To which I said, "Well just think if you did that in school there wouldn't be any problems."

"But mommmmm, school is so boring. Football is exciting."

What could I say but, "Let's try to focus on school so that you can play football. You know the rules."

"Yes mom, do your homework."

We had to stop on the way home to see a Mom with her two baby deer.  When we backed up the mom and one baby ran into trees but we got a photo of this one.

It was a good first day of practice.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Football all ready???

So Vern has been bugging me to play tackle football this year instead of flag football with the local YMCA.  I told him he needed to go find out the information so we could look into it.

He went to his dad for help and his dad happened to do some construction work for the guy that is involved with the local tackle football team in our small town.  Unfortunately for Vern the team is full BUTTTTT there is another small town team that does have an opening.

**** RING - RING****


HI Mom, Did you call?

Call what?

For my football. I think we have to buy a helmet but I don't know.

No, I haven't called yet but you know what I will need?

What mom?

Lots of hugs and kisses.

*sigh* Ok... Bye mom.


Typical Vern conversation. Gotta love him.

Now for da Mom to remember to call....