Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Urgent Care - again???

What blog about a little boy would be complete without a trip or two to urgent care?

Monday Vern comes home and wants to talk to me on the phone. This is always big as I have previously discussed how he isn't a big phone talker.

Mom I smashed my finger and can't go to wrestling.

What did you do?

Smashed it in church.

I'll look at it when I get home k?

So when I get home I have him take off the bandaids - yes plural. His finger looks B-A-D!!! I immediately decide this needs a trip to the urgent care center and this happened over 24 hours ago!!!!

We eat a quick dinner and Vern and I head out to wait and wait and wait to get in. You know the drill.
We finally get in and the little old doctor finally shows up. We try to get out of Vern what happened but never really do get the whole story.  The doctor is looking at me like I am nuts. Why hadn't I brought this boy in sooner?  So then I have to explain that I had no idea the injury had even occured (Like he believed me :-( ).  I am hoping they aren't thinking I am abusing the boy that badly....He was at his dad's house all weekend!

Doc decides that xrays are in order to rule out a smashed bone tip. Vern enjoyed that process and asked a lot of questions.  Turns out his bones are ok but doc perscribes an oral and a topical antibiotic because it is smashed so badly.  We have to change the dressings 4 times a day. As of 3 days later it still bleeds slightly.  I am hoping for improvement shortly.