Tuesday, September 1, 2009

THE Meeting

We had the big meeting on Vern. In attendence were the principal, bus director, school councelor, myself, and part of the time Vern's father via conference call.

Overall the meeting went well. We discussed Vern and what to do to keep him on the right path. The only thing we could all agree on is that he is craving attention. We are going to try and focus the attention on positive attention versus negative attention. We all went away with some action items.

Principal - to pop into see Vern on a positive basis occasionally when he is caught doing good.
Bus Director - giving Vern a "job" on the bus that is just between those two.
Councelor - will work with Vern to teach him when its ok to say no and sibling rivalry.
Mom and dad - give positive reinforcement, teach him not to use bad words about people.

Vern was very excited about his "book" that Chuck (bus director) gave him and is ready to help out. He was concerned when told he has to first serve his sentance of a 3 day suspension and will start his job next week.

His sister Ann was also given a stern talking to by me and told in no uncertain terms if she contributes to him getting in trouble SHE would be in more trouble than he is. She did not like that very well but accepted she can't taunt him on the bus any more.

Sorry this is not funnier but I thought I'd better toss out a serious blog just to let you all know I am very serious on raising a great child.

I promise to have a funny story next time.

1 comment:

  1. You don't have to be funny all the time - raising kids isn't always funny - sometimes, you have to be serious.
