Sunday, September 7, 2014

Top Jr. High Dog

Wow it sure doesn't seem possible that my baby is in 8th grade this year. The years are flying by.  I have been doing Vern's blog for quite a few years now and you have watched him grow on this page. Soon he will look more like an adult with all this puberty we have going on. What a ride!

Second day of school picture. It is a tradition to get your photo taken each year with your book bag, new outfit, and shoes. It's always in same room, same spot so I guess you get to see how little I change things up in the house. LOL

The 8th graders are each issued an iPad. This can be good or bad. For our household with Vern in it I would go the bad route as it is yet another electronic device for him to play on instead of doing something constructive. Sigh...

Here is an up close and personal shot of the iPad. The identify them in school by the picture they each took on day one.

Next I am tossing in a couple photos from Vern's court of honor we had a week or so ago. This is where they are recognized for the badges they have earned. Vern had a few he earned at summer camp.

Vern said he becomes "Life" at the next meeting. He is doing well and I hope he continues to advance.

Here is to a successful 8th grade year!