Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Schools out for summer!

Well Vern is now finished with 7th grade and onto 8th grade. His final grades were similar to 3rd quarter with A's and B's. I was happy but the part that made me the happiest was there were no "N's" or needs improvements from any teacher!!!! Vern was using his time more wisely and trying harder. That is what we have been asking for and Vern finally pulled through. GREAT JOB VERN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Next year in 8th grade each student receives an Ipad to use for the year. We have to attend meetings in August on this. If it helps Vern with studying I am all for it. I just hope he doesn't sit in class playing games. This will be quite the test of his abilities to resist temptation. I am sure you will see blogs on the topic...

Vern has a lot of summer activities planned. There are camps and vacations and trips to see people. He will keep busy.

We are trying to push Vern to get off the electronics and get out and do different things. This is a huge challenge. Last weekend we "made" the teenagers go on a bike ride.  Vern actually had a good time and enjoyed it. His sister....let's just say she hates us and can't believe she had to be seen in public with a stupid helmet on. My God, we are trying to ruin her!  The drama was unbelievable.

For the summer we are hoping there is more of this:

And less of this!!!

We shall see how it turns out!!!

Monday, May 12, 2014

Just like all the others...

Vern is very much into puberty. Not so much yet on the outside but zowie on the inside. His emotions are all over the place. He is mouthy. He ignores you. He is disrespectful.  Yes, he is 13.

Now I as most parents probably try to curb this bad behavior. I believe those same parents have about as good of results as I do - NILL.

We talk about it. We inflict punishments for poor behavior. We talk about it some more. We dole out more privilege restrictions. Things get better until the restriction is released or the item returned. Then the poor behavior returns.  Can I say frustrating???

How do I know this is typical 13 year old behavior, because our nephew turns 13 this week and he acts the exact same way!!!! He hasn't seen his uncle in months and the first thing he tries to do to him is rack him in the balls!!! After that he is super mean to Uncle and wrestles and fights with him the entire time.  He is rude and mouthy and just like Vern. Hmmm, I see a pattern.

OH PLEASE let this phase pass quickly.  Soon it will be driving. AHHHHHHHH!!!!!