Monday, July 29, 2013

FOOTBALL 2013!!!!!!!!!

OMG. Where did the year go?
Practice starts tonight. Ok, so it started last week but Vern was out of town on yet another vacation...
4 nights a week.
I just thought I would let you blog readers know that the crazy football mom is back for another season.

Yes I have other blogs I need to post BUT THIS IS IMPORTANT STUFF.


Friday, July 26, 2013

Scout camp!

As if Vern hasn't had enough to do this summer... Next he was off to Boy Scout Camp. This is a week of no showers, lots of heat, dirt, and sweat. A boys heaven!

Vern had a good time this year as he took rifle classes. His grandpa Vern gave him a rifle and he wants to use it so needed to take some classes. Scout camp gave him the opportunity to do this. What a great combo! He passed his classes.

He came back happy and we immediately left for Southern Colorado for a family vacation. Yes, I washed his socks before we left :-)

Thursday, July 11, 2013

July 4th celebrations

Vern's brother John has a birthday on July 1. He decided he wanted his party on July 3 when the neighborhood was having their fireworks. I said sure why not go for it. So he planned his birthday party, invited people and got a lot of things set up.  Vern and Ann stopped by for a couple hours and fun was had by all. We had good food, drink and game playing.  Here are a couple photos of a type of volleyball game. The volleyball was missing so this huge pink ball was used in its place. I guess you would call it pinkball. You never knew quite where that ball was headed so it made for a very fun game. I had worked up a sweat by the end of play.

Look at this first shot, Vern looks like he is going to kick the ball. He has good height on that leg kick over his head!!! WOW he should be a kicker on his football team. I keep tell him but does he listen? NOOOOOO. John is the tall kid serving the ball and Ann is not in this photo.

Here is Ann. She is in black. It was guys against gals. Yes the guys won.

Finally we have a picture of one of my Gerber daisies on the deck. Isn't it beautiful?

The fireworks were spectacular and went well into the night. Everyone enjoyed the day - most of all John! 

Friday, July 5, 2013

Confirmation Camp!

Another Vern activity for the summer was church camp. This is a required camp when the kids are in confirmation. They spend a week there and are busy sun-up to sun-down.  Some of the things I gleaned from Vern are as follows.

The toilets are disgusting. He was glad he was a boy and didn't have to sit down. Let's just say he was pretty "backed-up" by the time he got home. ZOWIE

The showers were not much better but he did say he took quick showers daily. One day he washed his hair - one day his body. At least he ran some water over himself that week...

One painful event was during horse time. The horses stomp their feet when trying to keep the biting flies off themselves. Well Vern's horse decided to do this maneuver when Vern's foot was under the horse. Yes that hurt he told me. I bet. Luckily didn't break anything.

One thing Vern did enjoy at camp was learning to make "survival" bracelets. Below is a photo of the one he made for me. These are bracelets made out of para cord and the logic is if I get lost in the wilderness, I can use the bracelet to help me survive!  Great idea and Vern did a wonderful job of making this for me. I am going to take this on my vacation to the wilderness just in case.

One thing Vern did not enjoy to much were the high ropes. He said it would have been fine except his legs were to short to reach between the steps on the high ropes and his safety rope kept sticking.  Besides the high ropes they did do a zip-line. Here is a shot of Vern going down the zip-line. He did enjoy this part of the rope activities.

Here is Vern having some Bible study time.

I believe this is opening day and some group activities. His shoes still look clean which makes me believe it is the beginning of the week!
Here is Vern in front of his cabin for the week. I guess this is the last year these "cabins" are going to be used. They are building more of a bunk house to replace these as they all have seen much better days. 
Vern had a good week and very much enjoyed the soda as we left camp!