Friday, June 28, 2013


The older kids were busy so Superman and I had some quality time with Vern. It was great to just do stuff with him and his amazing personality.  We were driving around trying to figure out what to do for a special treat. I mentioned putt-putt golf and both jumped at the idea. Off we go to the local course.  Did I mention I didn't think that idea through to well as it was a very hot and humid 96 degrees?  I suppose it is summer and to be expected.  As we were walking in Superman says to me "Did you see that giant beer can?"

Me - "Oh yes I did. Looks good and I just got out of the car."

We keep walking and Vern is asking...."What beer can? What beer can?"

Me - "Oh its nothing but a beer can Vern. Let's go."

We grabbed our clubs, let Vern choose the course and off we went.

I love cell phone cameras of today. They really do take good photos.  Here is Vern getting ready to sink one.

Teeing off!

Here is Superman right before his water shot.  I think he thought he was really golfing instead of playing putt putt as he hit the ball so hard it hit the pavers at the other end, flew up over some bushes about 4 feet high and right into a huge water feature on the other side. Needless to say, he couldn't retrieve the ball and had to walk all the way back to the start to fetch a new ball. Vern and I had a good giggle over that.
Then we come to the 17th hole. I am the lucky one to first sink my putt. I go to reach into the cup to retrieve my ball and....

"OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (screeched) I am NOT getting my ball out of there!" Lots of jumping around and running away from the hole.

The boys of course run over to the hole to see what is inside.

It is a GINORMOUS freaking mama spider having her babies in the cup. She had already had around 150 babies and by the looks of her she had at least that many more L-I-V-E babies to birth.  The boys wouldn't put their hands into the cup either. Vern decided the mama spider HAD to die so he takes his putter and let me just say you are glad to not hear the squishy sound it made. (heebie jeebies typing this)  Vern wipes his putter off and Superman retrieves my ball. I was ready to be done golfing after that.

On our way out of the establishment before we even get to the car Vern pipes up. "Now where in the world is that beer can?"

I looked at him shocked and point to the ground where the empty can is lying.

"Ohhhhhhh" he says, "I thought there was a giant one in the sky or one of those blow up ones."

We all start laughing. That's our Vern. 

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Bible School

Vern was soon onto his next activity of the summer. He was a volunteer/helper for Vacation Bible School at our church. He had a good time helping the little kids and it was some time away from the electronic devices which was very much needed.

Vern got up early (for him in the summer) and participated until noon every day.

On Friday after clean up he and the other helpers were rewarded with a pizza party.

I have seen a few photos that were taken.

The only one I could find to scan or link was the one below. I circled Vern and Ann in the photo. They are in the back row on the left half of the photo.

As you can see they had a LOT of kids to keep in line. Everyone did a great job and I am glad Vern was able to participate in this event.

By the way...DA MOM'S computer decided to take a nose dive to computer heaven so I am working from the kids computer. It is why the posts are so slow in arriving. I do not know when I will once again have my own laptop but until that time please be patient with me.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Ending 6th grade on a good note.

Here we are at the end of another school year. Vern is SO excited to be done with 6th grade. I think he ended the year with 2 detentions within 2 weeks of school getting out.  We both are glad school is out and Vern gets some time to do other things. He will be kept busy this summer.

Before getting on with summer I wanted to brag about his report card. I was pleased that Vern did indeed try and ended the year on a good note.

English                B+
Social Studies     B+
Science               A-
Math                   B
Physical Ed        A+
Choir                  A+
Music Apprec.   A-
Foreign Lang     B+

If you know Vern please congratulate him either in person or via the comments section. He deserves it!

Now it is onto fun summer time activities.  Summer is just starting and he already had a dog over for a week to play.  This week he is spending at his dad's house and next week starts his time as a helper for vacation bible school.  More updates to follow!