Thursday, February 21, 2013

Miracles DO happen!

Yes, miracles do happen. You just have to open your eyes and watch. This one was so very much the work of God that it hit me in the face! I am still shocked by it. I hate that you readers have to wait to read this but I will explain that in a minute.

Most people don't realize or care that off-handed hurtful comments are bad for kids and really do bother them.  These self-gratifying individuals do not realize what they are doing nor accept responsibilities for their actions but are very quick to blame everyone else around them.  My children happened to be exposed to such people. With that background we now go on with the story.

Day 1 we will call Monday - both Vern and Ann came home in very sour hateful moods. Superman and I try to be friendly and upbeat despite the poor moods. This was met with extreme resistance and out right hatred.  This hatred had ramifications that rippled throughout entire family.

Here was dinner:

Notice what is missing from our family dinner? Yes, it's just me - my plate- and no family. Makes for a long tough night.

Now lets move onto Day 2-

I came home expecting more of Day 1.  I have a routine where when I get home, I immediately go feed 2 of our cats who think they are starving to death. When I am finished feeding them I came upstairs to make dinner. Much to my surprise, Ann had made the potatoes as I had asked and was not even reminded. Superman came out of our bedroom chattering with both the kids. Vern and Ann both hugged me.  Everyone was friendly with each other. It was like a normal happy family.

I just stood there looking around mouth gaping. I could not believe my praying and I'm sure others praying had done this. It was a H-U-G-E deal! In the span of 24 hours things were completely different than the night before.

After dinner, the kids and I ran to basketball, guitar lesson and a workout. After basketball practice in the car Vern told me  "Mom, I'm sorry I say I hate you and stuff all the time. I really don't mean those things."

"Vern, that is the nicest thing I have heard all day. THANK YOU!"

So many small miracles packed into one evening, I was reminded that God does care about me and when I am feeling my worst, he will show me he loves me.

Why this is published later? Because we were in the middle of a large - expensive court battle over custody of Ann. I did not want to risk anything I said here, although I don't think there is anything negative but rather only positive and loving, to be used against me. Lawyers like to twist things around. The court case is over and I still have my shiny mom badge!

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Basketball 2013

Vern has decided he wanted to try basketball. I signed him up for a team at the local YMCA.  He has been practicing for a couple weeks and had his first game today.

It was a very close game and I thought Vern's team was going to lose. At one time they were behind 10 points but in overtime they won by 2! 34/32.

After Vern came home he said, "I think I like basketball better than football."  We shall see how the next couple months progress.

In the meantime enjoy a few photos from the day.


Monday, February 4, 2013

The Chicken or the Egg?

It has been a while since we had a good Vern story. Well here is one that has been going on over the last week or so.

Out of the blue a week or so ago Vern says, "You know mom, I was hatched."

I of course jump all over that with "No, I was there when you were born. You were definitely born. I felt every second of it."

To which he replies, "Mom you birthed an egg and then I used my temporary beak to break out."

Me: "Oh for GOSH SAKES where do you get this stuff?"

Vern: "It's real mom I swear. I remember it because I have a photographic memory from back then."

Me: "OK, sure but I know you were born."

Move on to a few days later...

We are driving in the car and I remark to Superman about Vern being hatched from an egg. He laughs and says "Ya, I heard that the other night and had a good laugh."

I say, "You know I don't know how they could have attached that device to his head though a shell and not crack the shell itself?"

From the back of the vehicle, "Well you know the shell DID crack.  I just quit arguing because I know I was hatched and I didn't want to argue with mom any more."

More laughter.  That is our Vern!