Sunday, December 25, 2011

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas
to all the Vern fans out there!
We love you!

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Is it here yet?

Christmas, a time to make children a wee bit wild and crazy. I tried to capture some of that with my phone tonight. I only got a little slice of the chaos. They have been like this for days. They are at top volume and it seems to us a constant sugar high. YIKES.

The only thing we can come up with is the Spirit of Christmas has gotten them.


Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Nearly Perfect Evening

Once again Vern comes through with a stupendous blog post for me.

I get home from work last night and he gives me a GIANT hug. He has the table set and has started his homework. As I am taking care of the animals, Vern follows me around and tells me about his day. All without prompting.

Vern then leaves me to cook dinner and comes when called with his hands washed.  We have a pleasant family dinner.

After dinner we work on his homework. He has a LOT.

We need a break from homework so Vern joins me to work out. I am on the treadmill and he is on the eliptical machine. We both have our ipods and are singing at the top of our lungs "Don't Stop Believing" (see prior post). We chase everyone else from the basement with our singing and antics - insert big cheesy smile.

After our workout we talk a bit more and go play a quick game of UNO with Ann and SuperMan.  Following this is our good night ritual and off to sleepy land for Vern.

Now you maybe scratching your head going what is so special about all that? This is precisely what IS so special about it. A calm relaxing time with one of your children. The exact thing that makes memories and why kids are THE BEST! It also helps erase all the not so fun times of having kids.

I love being a mom.

Hey I just had a thought - is he bucking for good presents from Santa or what????

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Paper Potatoes

Tonight I was helping Vern clean off the dinner dishes and as I was wiping down the table I wondered to myself what the heck post I was going to write this week on Vern. I was trying very hard to come up with something funny he did and WA LA! Vern hands me this post on a silver platter.

Vern:  "What were those potatoes tonight mom? Were they fake?"

Me: "Yes, they were instant potatoes."

Vern: "Please please PLEASEEEEEEEEE never make them again Mom."

Me: "Why?"

Vern: "Because they tasted horrible!  Mom, they tasted like P-A-P-E-R!"

Me: (thinking to myself - yes they were pretty bad)

Vern: "Those are the kind of potatoes they serve in prison. I saw it on a TV show."

Me: "Like green jello?"

Vern: "Mom, what are you talking about?"

Me: "Oh I was told they serve green jello in jail and it tastes horrible."

Vern: Looking at me in a funny way.  "Just serve the yellow ones next time please and not these paper potatoes."

He is right, those potatoes I made tonight will not be served again unless we are starving!

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Progress Report

Vern brought his progress report home the other day. He has solid B's and one C.  That is GREAT!!!

We are not having the roller coaster grades and can tell he is trying. Most times he loves to be lazy but if you get him to focus he does great. I believe he could be a straight A student if he just decided school was worthwhile.  The medications he is taking seems to be making a big difference. Not to mention the light is back in his beautiful blue eyes.

I don't think anyone has discovered the secret to get kids excited and thinking school is worthwhile. Some take to it naturally while others would rather be doing anything BUT school.

I have been reading Alex Rider books to Vern this fall. He loves them. They are books about a 15 year old boy who is like a 007 James Bond character. Last night we read about river rats climbing on this kid. I could barely get though it but Vern loved it. His eyes were as big as saucers!  THAT is the kind of engagement I want him to have for all his subjects in school.

I will keep working on that. I also need to keep better attention of Vern. I have been slacking off not making mental notes of the funny things he does each day to record in this blog. BAD MOMMY...  Yes, I have been working on other blogs. You can always go read those if you are bored with these. :-)

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving
from one of our many pets.

 Followed immediately by:

I guess she is telling us all how she really feels. :-)

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Don't Stop Believing

So we were driving in the car one day and Vern was listening to his Ipod.  One of his favorite songs came on and he began to sing out loud. Now remember he is the only one that can hear the music. He loves the song so he is singing LOUD and he sings like he is tone deaf. Also note 95% of the kids at his age sing like they are tone deaf so this is nothing bad against Vern, it is just how kids are.

The song is Don't Stop Believing by Journey. A good old 80's rock tune.  Here is how the song is supposed to start out:

Just a small town girl, livin' in a lonely world
She took the midnight train goin' anywhere
Just a city boy, born and raised in south Detroit
He took the midnight train goin' anywhere

A singer in a smokey room
A smell of wine and cheap perfume
For a smile they can share the night
It goes on and on and on and on

Here is what we heard from Vern:
Just a small town girl, livin' in a lonely world

She took the midnight train going anywhere
(great job Vern)
Just a sweaty boy, born and raised in south Detroit
He took the midnight train going anywhereeeeeeeeeee
(hubby and I look at each other and begin laughing - yes our dirty minds took over)
A singer in a smokey room

mumble mumble mumble perfumeeeeeeeeee
mumble smile mumble mumble
mumble on and on and onnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn

The rest of the song progressed in that same manner so you get the picture. Now this may not seem so funny reading it but hubby and I were loving it. It was just one of those moments where you LOVE your kids to death because they make you laugh! It was precious and I never want to forget it.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Happy 11th Birthday Vern!!!!!


He couldn't WAIT to open his presents. He had present time #1 at his Grandma's last Sunday. He loved the black football from Uncle Jim and the playing catch time.

He had present time #2 the morning of his birthday at my house. These are the photos from that. We are having his birthday meal: sloppy joes, green beans, and french fries on Saturday.  He also wants a chocolate cake, with fudge filling, and chocolate frosting. Zowie is he my son or what?!?!??!?!

Yes that is his breakfast in front of him. Chocolate soy milk and a sausage patty with syrup. (Yuck)

Presents #3 are still to come from his aunt in Missouri and my parents. Both of those will arrive in the mail later this week.

I am thinking he is liking his birthday!

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Harvest in Iowa

Vern finally got to go back to the farm for harvest. He had been looking forward to this for a while and I am very glad everything worked out and he was able to go.  Vern headed up on a Friday night. Grandpa and Grandma met him at the 1/2 way point. He jumped out of the car with his stuff and hopped into their car ready to go!  It was Grandma and Grandpa's 47th anniversary!

I got a couple updates during the weekend. Saturday Grandpa had to call and tell me how Vern ran and jumped in a tractor at his first opportunity. It was a great time to ride tractors, haul grain in the semi, and combine the corn in a huge combine.  It was extra special that the weather held out and he was able to do a lot of things outside.

Vern's quote: "It was very exciting at first but after a while the combine got boring."  I don't think he ever got bored with the semi.

Sunday morning Grandpa and Vern went for a ride around the neighborhood. Vern got a little worried with no particular destination at hand. He asked Grandpa "Where are we going now!?!"

I sent the camera and didn't get any photos of Vern combining or in the truck but I will share ones that he took during his fun weekend at the farm.

Vern likes self portraits.

Here is a shot of combining corn.

Here we have the tractor hauling in the grain.

Here we have the grain pile where all the farmers store their harvest. It is HUGE!  The picture really doesn't do justice to how big it is.

Here is the conveyor/auger machine that can unload a semi in something like 8 minutes. 

Here we have Miley. She loves sitting in the lawn chair. She is the complete opposite of the dog we have! Vern loves all dogs and had a great time playing with her.

She really is a pretty dog.

Here is one Vern just HAD to take when I went to find the camera. His quote after taking the picture: "Your SOOOO pretty mom."  Made me melt.

Vern was a great kid and wrote the farmer that let him tag along a very nice Thank You.  I appreciate the family that let Vern see a great perspective of farming today.

Friday, October 28, 2011


I am sure I have mentioned in the past how in addition to football, Vern takes guitar lessons.  He doesn't apply himself to guitar as much as football or he would be further along in this endeavor.  I believe it is good to be exposed to both arts and sports so I make him do something artsy. He chose guitar and I pay for the lessons.  I recorded this early this summer and just never got around to getting it loaded. I thought it was time to show the world the next guitar virtuoso! Ok, maybe not...

You may need to turn up the sound.
My camera video sucks.

I Love the laugh at the end of this one.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Friendship Bowl

The season is over so the good teams get to have a playoff and the not so good teams get to have a friendship bowl.

Vern and his team were matched up with another 1-6 team and this was their Friendship Bowl.

I had high hopes that Vern's team would win since their only other win this year was a game I missed.  This game I was in Orlando and really hating missing it but when work calls you have to go or you don't have a job any more.

Here are some photos from the game.

The first shot is of Vern making a tackle.

Here we have Ann showing off. She ran around the track for some attention.
 Here is Vern on the sidelines. I guess he was here more this week than in other weeks.  One theory is that since he is not playing for this team next year, they sidelined him. I don't believe that.

Here is a shot of Vern running to make a tackle.

 And here we have a shot of some antique tractors. It was across from the field and I am sure hubby was using his zooooom lens. :-)

Things I was told: they had a score, got it taken away, and then scored again.

Vern only played defense this game. No one seems to know why but there are a lot of conspiracy theories out there!

It was a good game but we ended up losing.

Final score:

Well that wraps up this season. It has been fun. I am sad to see it end but glad all the running to practices are over. Time consuming for us!

Until next time,

Monday, October 17, 2011

Game 7 - end of the line

It was the last official game of the year. I didn't have a lot of high hopes of Vern's team winning. He told me the other team was undefeated and GOOD.

Well if nothing else we could get some good photos!  Here is a good shot of #55 - Vern.

Here is another great shot of him blocking two players!  Awesome, or maybe that is just DA MOM being proud.
The opposing team scored a couple touchdowns so we knew Vern was going to be right and this would not be a close game. Here the camera man was bored with the game so he looked up and saw this HUGE bird circling the field. I don't know if the bird was looking for down players or what? :-)

Vern is coming off the field here. I think he might have needed a band aid or something.

More non-football related photos. I really do like this picture of the flag though.
PIG PILE!!!!!!!!!
Vern on top.

I just had to include this photo. This little guy somehow managed to get the ball and run for a touchdown. I have no idea how he did it but it made me cry. He was THE HAPPIEST KID EVER. He was jumping around like he just won the lottery. I was so proud of him.  The other boys jumped around with him and gave him hugs. It was just fabulous excitement and sportsmanship. That right there is what the game is all about.

Finally we have the depressing final.  It almost hurts to look at the score.

Only one more post on football to go - the "Friendship Bowl".

Until then,

Monday, October 10, 2011

Game 6 - More of the same...

It was another beautiful fall day in the midwest. Good time for some football!  I only wish Vern's team would win a few...

We had to drive about an hour to get to the game. We left right after church, had a picnic lunch, and got lost in the itty bitty town trying to find the field.  The field was NOT by the school. It was located at a sports complex clear across town with no signs. Nice...

Well good thing we had a few extra minutes. We finally found it and got Vern suited up and ready to play.

This town announced the players. Here is Vern running out as he was announced.

I like to call him...untucked boy. No matter what this kid has his jersey untucked. All the other boys are neatly tucked into place except Vern... I guess I can pick him out easier on the field this way. :-)

Hubby was off watching the Kansas City Chiefs beat the ViQueens so John and Ann took pictures. I wanted to try taking some but they would have NOTHING to do with that. They took turns. Quarter 1 John, Quarter 2 Ann, and so forth.  All these photos are from the kids taking them. Not to bad I guess.  WHY this photo is in as my pick... I dont know. It is of the other other team running down to score.

Here we have Vern getting ready for the play. He is playing center again and always Johnny on the spot as far as lining up and getting the play ready to go. He truly loves the game.

Here we have the sad final. On a good note, they did score two touchdowns. Did I mention the weather was perfect?

Until the next game,

Monday, October 3, 2011

Eifel Tower

I have mentioned before how creative Vern is. So here is another example of his creativeness. We are at his councelors and Vern digs out the Legos. He starts messing around with them trying different combinations of this and that. His brain is just chugging along. All of a sudden his brain has this huge explosion of creativity and the room fills with smoke and off he goes creating the masterpiece you see below! Ok, so the room did not fill with smoke but he sure was being creative!  He was very proud of his creation.

After a few minutes of admiring his creation it was time to depart. Before he could depart he had to dismantle his fabulous creation. Below in the video was how he took this creation apart.  He told us he was Godzilla.

For the living life of me I could NOT get this rotated a simple 90 degrees. I tried 3 different video players. On one I could make a $30 purchase and upgrade in order to rotate. I figured you all can rotate your head 90 degrees or your monitor and everything will be fine. It is STILL funny - even if sideways.

As a follow-up to this story, the next week Vern created an even taller tower with more reinforcement so that it did not tip over. He did not use the base in this version and it was taller than he was. GREAT JOB VERN.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Game 5 - 2011

Dear Football Fans,
Wow, yet another beautiful perfect fall day. Sunny, perfect temperatures, and a slight breeze. Yes, I am trying to find a bright spot in the football world as they lost this week. :-(
Opening kickoff the opposing team takes off down the sideline and scores. They even make the extra point only in Jr. Midgets it is worth 2 points!!! Before you can blink an eye our team is down 22 - 0. Not looking good.
We do come back with some good plays.  Here is Vern going for the tackle. Great photo hubby!


Another great shot of Vern blocking.
Nearing halftime we drive down the field and get to the one foot line on first down. Unfortunately the next 3 plays go backward and we end the half without a score.

The second half went a bit better. We recovered a fumble and ended up scoring! At least it wasn't a shut out.
The final score.

Next week is to a new town we haven't played before. It should be an adventure since hubby is out of town. I am hoping to get John to take the pictures. We shall see how it turns out.

DA Mom.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Game 4 - THEY WON!!!

I am SO upset I missed their win.  We were off in another town over an hour away watching Ann march for her school. (She is in the middle.)

But back to the game...

I didn't get to hear much about this game except Vern had one sack.  They scored in the opening kickoff.  The other team came back and it was tied 6-6. They went into overtime and our team won!!!

Enjoy a few photos courtsy of Vern's dad.
Vern and his beautiful blue eyes.

Running out for a play.


Here he is ringing the bell. If they have a home game and win, each kid gets to ring the bell.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Game 3

Dearest Football Fans,

Vern's team is not starting out to well. After game 3 they are now 0-3. This is in no way an indication that they are playing poorly. They just have a couple big thing going on that prevent them from scoring. The biggest is speed or more appropriately I should say lack of speed. Every time the opposing team runs outside our boys just can't keep up. The other teams running back just zooms away from our team.  The opposite is true when our team is on offense.  The opposing team catches whomever happens to have the ball. If we try to run outside, the poor kid is swamped with about 6 kids from the other team. 

Even Vern needs to work on his running. Being a lineman, he doesn't need to be as fast as the wirey kids but he does need to be able to move. I hate to say this but it looks like I am out there running! I told the hubby we need to start a running program with Vern and get us all into shape. Unfortunately I don't know any form tricks to tell him as my body is about as adept at running as oh.... a sloth. My entire body groans and rebels anytime I have attempted to run. My bones clatter together and those around me think a nearby building is collapsing. My knock knees and pigeon toed feet do not help matters. I am able to trip and fall down simply w-a-l-k-i-n-g across a parking lot. (Yes, that happened a month ago.) I am digressing but trying to stress the point of my non-running abilities. How will Vern excel at football if he has my running ability. (big sad tears)  Is there anyone out there that has tips for helping a child learn to run? How would I even find such information?

I was pleased with how the game went, except for the winning part. I can see the kids getting discouraged and that is sad to watch. Hubby did get some great shots this week with his new camera. It has a "ginormous" lens. Ok, it's not THAT big but when men talk it is all about the size. Here are some of my favorite shots of the week. I love the contrasting colors.

Here we have some good tackling action going on.

I was hoping this next shot was a show of sportsman like conduct. Vern tells me, No mom I was mad at that dude. Sigh.... I like my thoughts better.

Next we have another line shot. I like #4 getting double teamed in this shot and trying to bust through.

 Here we have the disappointing final. No touchdowns for us this week.

Have a great week,
DA Football Mom.

Monday, September 12, 2011

White N Nerdy

I like it when kids get away from the TV and video games and try to be creative. The kids did this recently and were playing it on the computer while I was watching.

They both replied - " OH NO, YOU'RE PUTTING THIS ON MY SON VERN"
"Yes I am."

Sometimes, they are just too smart for their own good!

Monday, September 5, 2011

Game 2

Dearest Football Fans,

This game day started out cool and cloudy but by game time it was sunny and warm again. Yes...I did get sunburnt again but this time more on the other side so I am even now!

Vern was much more alert and ready for this game. He played a LOT better. It was good to see. The coaches did pull him from the offense and he just played defense and offense more as a backup.  It was hard to tell if Vern was happy with that or not.

Unfortunately the team lost 6-24 again this week. I was pleased that they have scored both their first two games. I was also happy that the defense held the other team a lot better this week. You couldn't tell from the scrore but they held the opponent to less first downs and even had some fumble recoveries. Now just to get our offense on track.

Now to the photos. Can you tell any difference? Superman purchased a new camera and was learning how to use it. Here we have Vern talking to one of the coaches.

 Chasing the ball.

Picking himself up after a play.

The final score.

Until next game,
The Mom.