Sunday, October 24, 2010

The toilet bowl!

Well today was the last game of the season - two 0-6 teams battling it out for bottom of the bowl.  It was typical last game weather with cold, wind, and misty rain on and off. Can you tell?

It started off quite the defensive battle with no one scoring until second quarter when Vern's team scored!  You should have heard us all cheering.  This was the first time the team scored in the first half and first!

There is one thing both teams could have done with less of:
the DREADED yellow flag.

 I mean to tell you there was one referee that took his job a bit to serious with 9 year olds. We had more flags with this game than the entire season!  Both teams got first downs on flags alone. One time the other ref called him over to no avial... The announcer even said "This is a FRIENDSHIP bowl."  I think the fans got it but the bad ref didn't.

Just a photo of Vern running. Poor guy was so tired he could barely eat his dinner. He took a shower, I read a couple chapters to him and he was asleep before 8pm!

Here is Vern in on a tackle/fumble recovery.

And here is what you have been waiting for...................................................

THEY WONNNNNNNNN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

A team photo.

A cute closeup of Vern.


Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Good news!

The last game Saturday is against another 0-6 team!!! It is an away game but should be a good game with both teams sucking!

I'm pumped all ready.


Monday, October 18, 2010

More of the same...

I am sure you open the blog and think - AGAIN? How many times can this woman talk about her son and his football games?  Well thankfully football season is almost over and I am sure Vern will entertain us with other stories but for now you will just have to put up with DA MOM talking about football.

I mean I have to say I am a football fan in general. I like watching the games and cheering various teams. Heck I even paid $$$ to be in a fantasy league so yes, I do enjoy football. Then you add the factor in of your son playing it. OMG - it takes football to an entire new level.  I can't wait to go to the games. I can't wait to see him on the field. I can't wait to brag about him here on the blog. Yep - certifiable, thats me! :-)

I am even still typing about this every week AND they have a losing season.  Yes, this week was another loss.  BUT on a high note, they did score a touchdown and they did get the extra point which was another first this week. SEEEE, they DOOOO make progress, abiet in small tiny baby steps.

Vern had another good game. He recovered two fumbles!  He was beat after this game. I should have taken a picture of him. You could just see how tired he was.  I have to give some overdue credit here - a friend of mine told me Vern needs an outlet to get rid of some of his frustrations and energy.  Seems like we have found that outlet.  Now...what to do the other 9 months of the year!

Some photos follow.

Always first one to the line.

Yes, there was a girl on the red team - see her long hair?

Hey, at least they scored!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Under the lights

Vern had a makeup game tonight. He played his first game under the lights. They of course lost again but were successful in completing a pass and achieving a few first downs and even another touchdown in the last minute of the game!

Vern had some good tackles and a sack. I really do enjoy watching him play but darn it is getting chilly in the evenings!

Monday, October 11, 2010


Vern had a game Saturday. The team actually scored a touch down!!!!! WOOT WOOT WOOOT.

Unfortunately they still lost the game 6-26.  I only have a couple pictures of the game but none loaded to computer yet.  It has been a rush - rush - rush weekend.

I DOOOOO happen to have a picture uploaded of Vern that did turn out this weekend. You see his mom got married to a wonderful man. Vern looks extremly dashing in his tuxedo. Oh wait, I am DA MOM and I am biased. Anyway, I am sure more photos will trickle in but here is one of him I have now.

Oh and one of ME. :-)

Sunday, October 3, 2010


I don't even know if that is a real word - trounced but that is what happened to the boys at their game Saturday.  The first time the other team got the ball they scored and it was all down hill from there for our boys.  They did not make one first down and on most downs it was 4th and 15 or 4th and 20. You can see how the entire game went.  The boys looked pretty deflated by end of first quarter and they had 3 more to play.  I was looking for a cloud with lightning in it just to get the game overwith. No such luck - bright blue skies...

His grandpa showed up for the game and enjoyed it.  Larry even heard some other parent say wow, that 55 is pretty good. So all was not lost - just the game.

Vern was one of the captains this week so he got to participate in the coin toss. I haven't asked him how he liked that yet.

Anyway the final was 46-0. Ouch.  Here are some photos to enjoy.

On special teams - kickoff.

Vern recoved one fumble during the game.

Vern and a coach looking on in dispair.

The final.