Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Amusement Parks

One day of our vacation was completely spent at an amusement park. You know, one of those places where your credit card MELTS upon entering the facility because it has never incurred such a HUGE charge before.  "We don't charge based on age, we charge based on height and your son is over 48 inches so he will be charged as an adult."

It doesn't matter in the least if you don't even step foot on a ride, pay up.  I wonder if the little people get in those places free??? 

Don't even think of getting hungry or thirsty at one of these places unless you have the U.S. Mint in your back pocket.  A bottle of Lipton tea - $3.81 before tax.  A single serving bag of Doritos $1.89.  Why the weird prices I have no idea. I thought maybe when they added tax it would end up even - NOPE.  And the prices just went up from there.  I confess, da Mom did need a beer after a day of heat and smelly children. A small glass $6.44. Worth - EVERY - penny.

Anyway, here are a couple photos from the day at the park. My family felt the need to get wet first thing in the morning. Me - not so much, I sat and took pictures of the crazy people and stayed nice n dry :-)

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

My little adventurer...

My Vern loves Chinese food! He even ate his entire meal with chopsticks. He IS the coolest. 

More vacation stuff to follow later.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010


"Mom can I play with the slingshot?"

"Sure as long as you don't put rocks or anything else in it and do NOT shoot it at anyone or anything."

"Thanks MOM!"

A little while later...

"Mom, guess what?"


"I was playing army men and I almost hit a bird with the pinecone I put in the sling shot. I mean it was like an inch away!"

John pipes up, "VERN, why would you want to kill a bird?"

"Because it was the bad guys and I was the army guy and had to kill them."

All the time I am thinking...Did you miss the part about not putting anything IN the slingshot?

Sunday, July 18, 2010

It is sooo not fair!

The kids were to go to a "lock in" on Saturday night. They only briefly told me before leaving for Washington D.C. that they wanted to do this and we had to sign up. 

John had volunteered to work so he was in. I called about Ann and Vern and they were full. Boy were they mad at me!  There was one cancellation so Ann got to go and poor Vern didn't.  He was mad at everyone. I tried to tell him we would so something special and he calmed down some.

Superman and Vern played some PSP Star Wars while I took the other two for the lock in. They had a good time.

We ended up having a wonderful rest of the evening.  Vern wanted hamburgers for dinner, so we grilled those and some veggies. Vern really wasn't wanting the veggies but he chose potatoes and the green things out of the mix but NO onions or yellow ones mom!

After dinner we decided to rush off to a movie - Dispiciable Me. We saw it in 3D. Pretty cool to try out but I wouldn't want to watch every movie that way.  Both Superman and Vern LOVED the movie. They were about falling out of their chairs laughing so hard. Me - not so much. I enjoyed the 3D roller coaster ride (part of movie) and the story line was ok.

By the time we got home it was late, so Vern had his shower and went off to bed. He was bragging to his brother and sister what a great time we had but then turned around and complained to me how it wasn't fair they got "stuff" and HEEEEE just got a movie.  Are they every happy????

We leave on vacation Thursday so I'll see if I get another update done before we go.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Da Slacker Mom

Not really but I have let my blogging slip. Vern is doing well. He had a great trip to Washington D.C. He didn't do one word of reading (sigh) and told me his feet hurt from all the walking.  This week Vern is having a normal week of going to day camp, swimming, and being a kid.

Da Mom on the other hand has had too much going on. Remodeling, over time at work, garden, moving furniture, wedding planning and canning all seem to be taking priority over writing. :-(

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

More vacations

Vern is on  another vacation this week. This vacation is with his dad and brother and sister. I think they are having a good time in Washington D.C.

I actually got a rare phone call to talk to Vern today. It was nice.

He had to tell me about  his run-in with a "crazy" person at the local CVS pharmacy.

I guess as Vern tells it he got yelled at for looking at a lady in the store.  John his brother also got yelled at.

I don't know many more of the details as it was hard to understand him.

It was nice to hear his voice and he was pumped about getting acosted at the pharmacy.

My words of advice were to be good because otherwise in the big city they are lible to pull a gun on you.

Say a prayer for their safe return on Saturday.

Monday, July 5, 2010

Summer trip

Vern and family took a family camping trip. It was typical camping - hot, no wind, buggy and more buggy.
Yeah...can you hear the sarcasm?

Well anyway, it started off slow with Vern not happy about being on such a HORRRIBLEEEEE vacation.  Luckilly that changed and he ended up having a great time as did everyone else.

I got a bit worn out but recovered enough to finally get around to publishing this blog and a few photos.


Face painting by an

E.K. and Vern

The car he wants!

My favorite picture from the trip.

On the beach with Ann and John.

Still the stair steps at this age...

They even swim in order!

No way would I get buried in the sand.